Is there any way to match multiple date ranges for inclusion in other multiple ranges in postgresql

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For example I have in database allowed ranges - (08:00-12:00), (12:00-15:00) and requested range I want to test - (09:00-14:00). Is there any way to understand that my test range is included in allowed range in database. It can be splited in even more parts, I just want to know if my range fully fits to list of time ranges in database.


There are 1 best solutions below


You don't provide table structure, so I have no idea of data type. lets assume those are texts:

t=# select '(8:00, 12:30)' a,'(12:00, 15:00)' b,'(09:00, 14:00)' c;
       a       |       b        |       c
 (8:00, 12:30) | (12:00, 15:00) | (09:00, 14:00)
(1 row)

then how you can do it:

t=# \x
Expanded display is on.
t=# with d(a,b,c) as (values('(8:00, 12:30)','(12:00, 15:00)','(09:00, 14:00)'))
, w as (select '2017-01-01 ' h)
, timerange as (
  tsrange(concat(w.h,split_part(substr(a,2),',',1))::timestamp,concat(w.h,split_part(a,',',2))::timestamp) ta
, tsrange(concat(w.h,split_part(substr(b,2),',',1))::timestamp,concat(w.h,split_part(b,',',2))::timestamp) tb
, tsrange(concat(w.h,split_part(substr(c,2),',',1))::timestamp,concat(w.h,split_part(c,',',2))::timestamp) tc
from w
join d on true
select *, ta + tb glued, tc <@ ta + tb fits from timerange;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------
ta    | ["2017-01-01 08:00:00","2017-01-01 12:30:00")
tb    | ["2017-01-01 12:00:00","2017-01-01 15:00:00")
tc    | ["2017-01-01 09:00:00","2017-01-01 14:00:00")
glued | ["2017-01-01 08:00:00","2017-01-01 15:00:00")
fits  | t

first you need to "cast" your time to timestamp, as there is no timerange in postgres, so we take same day for all times (w.h = 2017-01-01) and convert a,b,c to ta,tb,tc with default including brackets (which totally fits our case).

then use union operator to get "glued" interval

lastly check if the range is contained by the larger one with <@ operator