Is there possible to add Non-Functional Requirement into use case?

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I'm newbie in AOP..

The candidate of aspect is from non-functional requirement..

But, is there possible to add non-functional requirement into use case diagram?

if not, what kind of uml that I must use to design non-functional requirement?

my goal is to add logging aspect, caching aspect, and authentication aspect.. thx for your help


There are 2 best solutions below


Yes: you can add non-functional requirements to Use Cases. This might help; if not please post in comments if you want more.



Don't be deceived by the diagram's name!

UML Use Case Diagram has following standard non-functional elements:

  • Actor
  • Association
  • System (with common element Subsystem)
  • Simple, Include, Extend and Realization dependencies
  • Generalization
  • Note with Anchor
  • Constraint
  • Containment

Only Use Case and Collaboration elements are functional ones.

Of course, on the diagram of this very common level you can borrow elements from any other diagram freely - the only limitation is that the diagram is readable.

So you can easily describe relationships and structures in Use Case diagram