ISearchJob->CleanUp gets stuck

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I am searching asynchronously for missing patches via WUAPIs. I have declared an ISearchJob object ( If I receive a timeout from WaitForSingleObject function, I call RequestAbort() then perform the CleanUp() of ISearchJob object. However, when I perform the CleanUp, sometimes it takes more than 15 minutes to complete. Do you know why? And is there any solution for this? Thank you in advance for your help!

    // List of params that will be passed to the thread that will perform the actual search for missing updates
    typedef struct Params
        CComPtr<IUpdateSearcher>& updateSearcher;
        CComPtr<ISearchResult>& searchResult;
        typeCharStr& criteria;
        CComObject<SearchCompleteFunction>* searchCompleteFunc; // needs to be released after usage
        CComPtr<ISearchJob>&& searchJob;

// ptrUpdateSearcher, ptrSearchResult, bstrCriteria, searchCompleteFunc are already declared and configured when reaching this part of code
Params* stParams = new Params{ ptrUpdateSearcher, ptrSearchResult, bstrCriteria, searchCompleteFunc, nullptr };

    DWORD dwThreadId;
    HANDLE hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, searchForMissingPatchesThreadFunc, (LPVOID) stParams, 0, &dwThreadId );
    if( !hThread )
        goto error;

    // Start the thread and wait for finishing 
    DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject( hThread, timeout > 0 ? timeout * 1000 : INFINITE ); 
    TerminateThread( hThread , 0 );
    CloseHandle( hThread );

    // Get the search result
    ptrSearchResult = stParams->searchResult;

    if( dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
        // stop the ISearchJob
        stParams->searchJob->CleanUp(); // HERE GETS STUCK SOMETIMES EVEN FOR 15 MINUTES

        goto error;

LATER EDIT: Here is the thread function, COM is initialized with COINIT_MULTITHREADED.

    // function that will asynchronously search for missing updates
    auto searchForMissingPatchesThreadFunc = [](LPVOID data) -> DWORD
        // get the data from arguments
        Params *params = static_cast<Params*>( data );

        if (S_OK == params->updateSearcher->BeginSearch(_bstr_t(params->criteria.c_str()), params->searchCompleteFunc, CComVariant("Scanning"), &params->searchJob)
            && params->searchJob)
            // Check if search is completed. If not, continue to check
            CComVariant isCompleted;

            while (isCompleted.boolVal == VARIANT_FALSE)
                params->searchJob->get_IsCompleted( &isCompleted.boolVal ) ;

            if (isCompleted.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE)
                // Search completed, get the result
                params->updateSearcher->EndSearch( params->searchJob, &params->searchResult );

        return 0;

I already looked at the Correct way to stop asynchronous ISearchJob, if I call EndSearch right after RequestAbort, the issue is similar, still it takes sometimes 15 mins to complete. If I call only RequestAbort(), the program will crash when the search will complete (could be anytime from 5 seconds to 15 minutes or more)


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