Issue with dissemenation of private data in hyperledger fabric

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I have very simple network structure with two peer organizations and one orderer.

  • orderer.org0
  • peer0.org1
  • peer1.org1
  • peer0.org2

Private data collections is defined like below:

- StaticCollectionConfig:
    name: topSecret
        - org1member:
              name: member
              mspId: Org1MSP
          - signed-by: org1member
  requiredPeerCount: 1
  maximumPeerCount: 1
  blockToLive: 0
  memberOnlyRead: true

So, it should allow only org1 members to allow usage of private data.

In reality, if I run some PrivateData related actions on peers of org1 it throws following erros in the peer log:

[gossip.privdata] func1 -> ERRO 84e Failed disseminating private RWSet for TxID <TxId> , namespace mychcode collection topSecret : Requested to send to at least 1 peers, but know only of 0 suitable peers to distributed private collection

Why is this happening? From my understanding, requiredPeerCount: 1 should hold, because I have two peers in org0.

P.S. Internal gossip is configured and following messages can be seen in logs

2019-07-08 16:17:03.725 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 2853 Entering endpoint:"" pki_id:"\2057\365\305\215\007*\025\277[\313\270t\020\"\355\301\247\214 \r\267\350T\260\375+G\333a\202\246" 
2019-07-08 16:17:03.725 UTC [gossip.comm] Send -> DEBU 2854 Entering, sending GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 509 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes to  1 peers
2019-07-08 16:17:03.725 UTC [gossip.comm] sendToEndpoint -> DEBU 2855 Entering, Sending to , msg: GossipMessage: Channel: , nonce: 0, tag: EMPTY MembershipResponse with Alive: 2, Dead: 0, Envelope: 509 bytes, Signature: 0 bytes
2019-07-08 16:17:03.725 UTC [gossip.discovery] sendMemResponse -> DEBU 2856 Exiting, replying with alive:<payload:"\030\001*O\n?\n\\032 \2057\365\305\215\007*\025\277[\313\270t\020\"\355\301\247\214 \r\267\350T\260\375+G\333a\202\246\022\014\010\333\256\243\376\211\323\336\327\025\020l" signature:"0E\002!\000\261sVO\351\007\346\302A-1\360\002j\233\013;\204e\245\320W\014\263\337y\303\273+\220\217\t\002 m\210\351\332\262\032\323\215\343\372t\24450\004\034\036\023IiaJ?9 O-m\365l\343\325" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\" signature:"0E\002!\000\344\261\203.A\221\272\345\314\240\223~\342\001\206\343\206\021^\311\033\005Q\233%\370\014#\250\rf\230\002 *m\307Jh\312q\371\014\302w\000>\232g\227\233\003\372\205\357\363&L?\262yH\366\240\225I" > > alive:<payload:"\030\001*2\n\"\032 2\320\014\223K\373\265\215E\375f\261\324\021\356\244\330o\370u>l\322[\033\005\240\363R\236\334F\022\014\010\331\340\224\370\204\323\336\327\025\020j" signature:"0D\002 E@\032!\313#\331\211\\|\334)R/n\221\347%\226\265\214\032\353}\323\302D\271\355\245\366\021\002 rL\327\346\244\022\235\360-\376\350\235\003\262K#\"C\t{\324\370\231\"P\365\376\341\014wM*" secret_envelope:<payload:"\n\" signature:"0E\002!\000\3777\226V\000\212>\235\232\334 \022\231\371\010\370\256\037\231\340\001\225\305r7\324\317\356K1\200\321\002 \001\215\321!\263L\342s\233\014#\334q\264\332,\261xOm\317\2555\352\330\252\326R\307`\363?" > > 

There are 2 best solutions below


The issue was related to some misconfiguration of local gossip. Which in turn was caused my wrong policies configuration in configtx.yaml

I used following roles: 'Org1MSP.client' 'Org1MSP.peer'

But looks like they will work only if NodeOUs are configured (see After I replaced them with 'Org1MSP.member' it began to work.


In Private data collection definition the key policy can only be wrapped around an OR condition and maybe thats what is creating the error the error.

Here is the link which explains very well.