Issue with genfromtxt

230 Views Asked by At

I am relatively new to coding and I wanted to try my hand at building code to back-test data, but I am having some issue with extracting a column from my data into a numpy array. Below I have screen shots of how I want it to be formatted and the issues I am running into. Any help would be appreciated.

import numpy 
import talib
from numpy import genfromtxt

my_data = genfromtxt('1_DAY.csv', delimiter=",")


close = my_data[:,4]



But I keep getting this output...

PS C:\Users\Namaste\Documents\GitHub\binance-tutorials\coinview> conda activate base

PS C:\Users\Namaste\Documents\GitHub\binance-tutorials\coinview> & C:/Users/Namaste/Anaconda3/python.exe

C:/Users/Namaste/Documents/GitHub/binance-tutorials/coinview/ Traceback (most recent call last):

File "c:/Users/Namaste/Documents/GitHub/binance-tutorials/coinview/", line 5, in my_data = genfromtxt('1_DAY.csv', delimiter=",")

File "C:\Users\Namaste\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\", line 1749, in genfromtxt fid =, 'rt', encoding=encoding)

File "C:\Users\Namaste\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\", line 195, in open return, mode, encoding=encoding, newline=newline)

File "C:\Users\Namaste\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\", line 535, in open raise IOError("%s not found." % path)

OSError: 1_DAY.csv not found. (

But I am trying to get the data to look like this... (

I've read online that pandas is better for csv file but I am using TA-Lib and it uses numpy to build arrays.


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