Issue with PerlObjCBridge and the OS X notification center

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I am trying to connect a pre-existing perl script to the Mac OS 10.8/10.9 notification center.

The following code is what I have tried, and for some reason I can not get it to work:


use strict;
use warnings;
use Foundation;

my $notification = NSUserNotification->alloc()->init();
my $string = NSString->stringWithCString_("Test");

# the following line seems to be the issue. According to PerlObjCBridge->setTracing(1)
# the value returned from this is \0 and not an object, which is what it should be.
my $center = NSUserNotificationCenter->defaultUserNotificationCenter();

# this should be the line to display the notification, but it doesn't work because
# $center is \0 instead of an object

Any assistance as to why NSUserNotificationCenter->defaultUserNotificationCenter() isn't returning an object?

Also, I realize that I could just call

system(osascript -e 'display notification "test" with title "test"');

But, well, I despise AppleScript. And my initial impression would be that there is more overhead calling the applescript engine then objc, which could be completely unfounded.



There are 1 best solutions below


Here's how I solved this problem.

  • Find your "bundle directory" when running a perl script.

    use Foundation;
    my $bundle = NSBundle->mainBundle();
    if ($bundle) {
        print $bundle->bundlePath()->cString() . "\n";
        print $bundle->bundleIdentifier()->cString() . "\n";
    } else {
        print "Bundle is not an object.";
  • Find an application to hijack the Info.plist (or Create your own Bundle)
  • If hijacking a bundle, create a soft link to the Contents directory of the bundle inside the bundle directory output from the script.
  • If creating your own Bundle, I don't have instructions. But I would presume creating a Contents directory and an Info.plist file with the required elements would work just as well.

I hijacked Microsoft Outlook's bundle, and it showed a notification as if it were from Outlook.