Issue with TADODataSet on Delphi 10.1 Berlin. Query hangs

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I am trying to operate an TADODataSet in a program on Delphi 10.1 Berlin

Here is my code:

rsGrid.Connection := MyADOConn;
rsGrid.CommandType := cmdText;
rsGrid.CommandText := 'my_StoredProc 100';
rsGrid.IndexName := 'ObjectID';

rsGrid.Active := True; //***** Showstopper here! *****// 

while not rsGrid.Eof do

The Connection property of the DataSet sets up as follows:

function TMainForm.MyADOConn: TADOConnection;
    Result := TADOConnection.Create(nil);
    with Result do
        ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user15;Password=mypassword;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Data;Initial File Name="";Server SPN=""'';
        KeepConnection := True;
        IsolationLevel := ilCursorStability;
        Mode := cmUnknown;
        LoginPrompt := False;
        Connected := True;

The database is SQL Server 2012, so I tried to run it with SQL Server Native Client 10 and 11 (Provider=SQLNCLI10.1 and Provider=SQLNCLI11.1 respectively).

I plan to use this TADODataSet later with a Grid component (via TDataSet) but I couldn't make this thing working In XE8, Seattle and now Berlin. It just hangs on rsGrid.Active := True. I also tried rsGrid.Open but it doesn't work as well.

At the same time it perfectly compiles and executes on my XE4. What am I doing wrong in Berlin?


There are 1 best solutions below


Here is what happened. I am posting it as the answer, so it may help others who port the code from earlier versions of Delphi XE (prior to XE8) to XE8/Seattle/Berlin.

For some reason when you port the forms with TADODataSet component on it, it loses some key attribute(s). In other words, when transferred the component misses some attributes (i.e. LockType := ltOptimistic) which are important in my particular case.

How To Make It Work
To get your code back to life, simply re-place the TADODataSet component on your Form (delete it and place a new one).