Issues Accessing "dailysummary" section of Wunderground API

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I have a group of functions that are created to retrieve data from the Wunderground API. However, because of the fact that the "dailysummary" section is enclosed in an array somehow, I cannot figure out how to access it. This is the part that I cannot access:

"history": {
    "dailysummary": [
     { "date": {
     "pretty": "12:00 PM PDT on August 12, 2015",
    "year": "2015",
    "mon": "08",
    "mday": "12",
    "hour": "12",
    "min": "00",
    "tzname": "America/Los_Angeles"
    "fog":"0","rain":"0","snow":"0","snowfallm":"0.00","snowfalli":"0.00","monthtodatesnowfallm":"", "monthtodatesnowfalli":"","since1julsnowfallm":"", "since1julsnowfalli":"","snowdepthm":"", "snowdepthi":"","hail":"0","thunder":"0","tornado":"0","meantempm":"26", "meantempi":"79","meandewptm":"16", "meandewpti":"60","meanpressurem":"1014", "meanpressurei":"29.94","meanwindspdm":"9", "meanwindspdi":"5","meanwdire":"","meanwdird":"331","meanvism":"16", "meanvisi":"10","humidity":"","maxtempm":"33", "maxtempi":"91","mintempm":"19", "mintempi":"66","maxhumidity":"78","minhumidity":"34","maxdewptm":"17", "maxdewpti":"62","mindewptm":"15", "mindewpti":"59","maxpressurem":"1016", "maxpressurei":"30.01","minpressurem":"1012", "minpressurei":"29.88","maxwspdm":"24", "maxwspdi":"15","minwspdm":"0", "minwspdi":"0","maxvism":"16", "maxvisi":"10","minvism":"16", "minvisi":"10","gdegreedays":"28","heatingdegreedays":"0","coolingdegreedays":"14","precipm":"0.00", "precipi":"0.00","precipsource":"","heatingdegreedaysnormal":"0","monthtodateheatingdegreedays":"0","monthtodateheatingdegreedaysnormal":"0","since1sepheatingdegreedays":"","since1sepheatingdegreedaysnormal":"","since1julheatingdegreedays":"0","since1julheatingdegreedaysnormal":"17","coolingdegreedaysnormal":"5","monthtodatecoolingdegreedays":"106","monthtodatecoolingdegreedaysnormal":"69","since1sepcoolingdegreedays":"","since1sepcoolingdegreedaysnormal":"","since1jancoolingdegreedays":"600","since1jancoolingdegreedaysnormal":"280" }

See this site for reference on how I call the API:


There are 1 best solutions below


You might be using SwiftyJSON or another library, but for my example I'm doing it just with NSJSONSerialization.

Here I get into the "history" dictionary then into the "dailysummary" dictionary and I cast the result as an array of dictionaries (let's say your JSON dictionary is named "json" too):

if let json = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: &err) as? [String:AnyObject] {
    if let history = json["history"] as? [String:AnyObject],
        let daily = history["dailysummary"] as? [[NSObject:AnyObject]] {
        // "daily" is our array

Then I loop inside the array (in your example there's only one object inside but there could be many): some values are strings, other are dictionaries, like "date".

I'm using "if let" to safely unwrap and cast the contents:

if let json = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: nil, error: &err) as? [String:AnyObject] {
    if let history = json["history"] as? [String:AnyObject],
        let daily = history["dailysummary"] as? [[NSObject:AnyObject]] {
        for item in daily {
            for (key, _) in item {
                println(key) // "mintempm", "mindewpti", "since1sepheatingdegreedaysnormal", "meantempm", etc
            if let coolingdegreedaysnormal = item["coolingdegreedaysnormal"] as? String {
                println(coolingdegreedaysnormal) // "5"
            if let date = item["date"] as? [String:AnyObject], let pretty = date["pretty"] as? String  {
                println(pretty) // "12:00 PM PDT on August 12, 2015"

If you're using SwiftyJSON or equivalent, you won't have to do the casts manually, but you'll have to use the library specific syntax, maybe something in this style:

for item in json["history"]["dailysummary"].array {
    // ...