Issues Parsing Multi Nested Childs in XML using lxml

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Im having issues parsing out each child node within an xml file. The number of nodes can change per Instrument_Root. For instance, Instrument_Watch is NULL here, but will be populated in other instances after this. My goal is to have each child node parsed individually (Instrument_Ratings, Instrument_Attribute_Ratings, Instrument_Organization, Instrument_Supports, etc.)

I tried doing the following, but it just returned the first intance repeatedly - there are 3700 Instrument_Root in the file, and Instrument_Rating for this one Instrument_Root was repeated 3700 times. I also ran into errors with etree due to the namespace.

from lxml import objectify

xml = objectify.parse(file)
root = xml.getroot()

tree1 = []
tree2 = []
tree3 = []
tree4 = []
for children in range(len(root.getchildren())):
    tree1.append([child.text for child in root.getchildren()[children].iterchildren()])
    for children2 in root.Instrument_Root.Instrument_Ratings.Instrument_Rating.getchildren():
        tree2.append([child2.text for child2 in  root.Instrument_Root.Instrument_Ratings.Instrument_Rating.getchildren()])
        for children3 in root.Instrument_Root.Instrument_Ratings.Instrument_Rating.Instrument_Rating_Attributes.Instrument_Rating_Attribute.getchildren():
            tree3.append([child3.text for child3 in root.Instrument_Root.Instrument_Ratings.Instrument_Rating.Instrument_Rating_Attributes.Instrument_Rating_Attribute.getchildren()])
            for children4 in root.Instrument_Root.Instrument_Organizations.Instrument_Organization.getchildren():
                tree4.append([child4.text for child4 in root.Instrument_Root.Instrument_Organizations.Instrument_Organization.getchildren()])


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>              
<Instrument_Roots xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.XXXXXXX.XMLSchema-instance" file_type="Baseline" frequency="Hourly-12" generation_time="2020-04-06T12:00:00Z">             
        <Security_Description>Class B</Security_Description>        
        <Instrument_Type_Text>PASS-THRU CTFS</Instrument_Type_Text>     
        <Private_Placement_Text>Not Applicable</Private_Placement_Text>     
        <Coupon_Rate xsi:nil="true"/>       
        <Instrument_Description xsi:nil="true"/>        
        <Product_Line_Description>MBS - Prime</Product_Line_Description>        
        <Series_Class_Text>Class B</Series_Class_Text>      
                <Rating_Class_Text>Senior Secured</Rating_Class_Text>
                <Duration_Text>Long-Term Debt Rating</Duration_Text>
                <Seniority_Text>Senior Secured</Seniority_Text>
                <Evaluation_Type_Text>Credit Risk</Evaluation_Type_Text>
                <Rating_Subclass_Code xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Rating_Subclass_Text xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Currency_Capd_Text>Local Currency</Currency_Capd_Text>
                <Credit_Grade xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Rating_Direction_Text>DECISION NOT TO RATE</Rating_Direction_Text>
                <Rating_Type_Text>Long-Term Debt Rating</Rating_Type_Text>
                <Rating_Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Rating_Termination_Local_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Rating_Reason_Text>DECISION NOT TO RATE</Rating_Reason_Text>
                <Rating_Currency_Text>Australian Dollar</Rating_Currency_Text>
                <Instrument_Watchlist xsi:nil="true"/>
        <Instrument_Supports xsi:nil="true"/>       
                <Organization_Role_Text>Issuer Account Bank</Organization_Role_Text>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Organization_Role_Text>Cash Manager</Organization_Role_Text>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
        <Instrument_Identifiers xsi:nil="true"/>        
                <Rating_Attribute_Type_Text>SF Indicator</Rating_Attribute_Type_Text>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Rating_Attribute_Type_Text>SEC Exempt</Rating_Attribute_Type_Text>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>
                <Termination_Date xsi:nil="true"/>

Any ideas on how to attack this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


There are 1 best solutions below


The source of your problem is that your XML has a default namespace (, so each attempt to locate an element must include this namespace (your code failed on this detail).

To process your XML file I used the following code:

  1. Import:

    from lxml import etree as et
  2. Read the XML file:

    parser = et.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
    tree = et.parse('Instrum.xml', parser)
    root = tree.getroot()
  3. Define the namespace used:

    ns = {'xx': ''}

    (will be used below).

  4. Fill tree1 with text content of children of each Instrument_Root:

    tree1 = []
    for elem in root.findall('xx:Instrument_Root/*', ns):
        txt = elem.text
        if txt is not None:

    Note that Instrument_Root is a direct descendant of the root node, so it is enough to put just the node name.

  5. Fill tree2 with text content of children of each Instrument_Rating:

    tree2 = []
    for elem in root.findall('.//xx:Instrument_Rating/*', ns):
        txt = elem.text
        if txt is not None and len(txt.strip()) > 0:

    This time Instrument_Rating is located somewhere deeper in the XML tree, so XPath must include // to perform "all levels" search.

    I added also some logic to avoid appending either non-existing text or text containing only "while" chars (delete it if you don't want to skip them).

For your XML input sample I got:

  1. tree1:

    ['831295951', '831275547', '18705', 'Pass-Through', 'PAS', '2020-03-21T00:00:00',
     'AUD', 'N', '2051-03-21T00:00:00', '2051', '2020-03-21T00:00:00', '7.2534316791',
     'N', 'N', 'Class B', '24657', 'PASS-THRU CTFS', '24922', 'Not Applicable',
     '26', 'Floating', 'FLT', '16', 'Monthly', 'MON', 'MBS - Prime', 'Class B',
     'AUSTRALIA', '11.2500000000', 'Y', '3']
  2. tree2:

    ['831295951', '37203', '2020-03-02T01:30:03', '831295958', 'I', 'Senior Secured',
     '18705', 'Pass-Through', 'PAS', '25636', 'Long-Term Debt Rating', 'LT',
     '18743', 'Senior Secured', 'SS', '25648', 'Credit Risk', '5734', 'Enhanced',
     'ENH', '19142', 'Local Currency', 'NR', '0', '19102', 'DECISION NOT TO RATE',
     'NR', '534', 'Long-Term Debt Rating', 'LT', 'ENH', '2020-03-02T17:30:03', '25530',
     'DECISION NOT TO RATE', '20525', 'Australian Dollar', 'AUD', '1', 'Y']

Note that there is no need for any nested loops.

I think that based on the code above you will know how to extract content to fill tree3 and tree4.