I have a class Something
which contains an instance variable Anything
class Anything {
private final int id;
private final int noThings;
public Anything(int id, int noThings) {
this.id = id;
this.noThings = noThings;
class Something {
private final int parentId;
private final List<Anything> anythings;
private int getParentId() {
return parentId;
private List<Anything> getAnythings() {
return anythings;
public Something(int parentId, List<Anything> anythings) {
this.parentId = parentId;
this.anythings = anythings;
Given a list of Something
List<Something> mySomethings = Arrays.asList(
new Something(123, Arrays.asList(new Anything(45, 65),
new Anything(568, 15),
new Anything(145, 27))),
new Something(547, Arrays.asList(new Anything(12, 123),
new Anything(678, 76),
new Anything(98, 81))),
new Something(685, Arrays.asList(new Anything(23, 57),
new Anything(324, 67),
new Anything(457, 87))));
I want to sort them such that the Something
objects are sorted depending on the total descending sum of the (Anything
object) noThings
, and then by the descending value of the (Anything
object) noThings
123 = 65+15+27 = 107(3rd)
547 = 123+76+81 = 280 (1st)
685 = 57+67+87 = 211 (2nd)
So that I end up with
List<Something> orderedSomethings = Arrays.asList(
new Something(547, Arrays.asList(new Anything(12, 123),
new Anything(98, 81),
new Anything(678, 76))),
new Something(685, Arrays.asList(new Anything(457, 87),
new Anything(324, 67),
new Anything(23, 57))),
new Something(123, Arrays.asList(new Anything(45, 65),
new Anything(145, 27),
new Anything(568, 15))));
I know that I can get the list of Anything
s per parent Id
Map<Integer, List<Anythings>> anythings
= mySomethings.stream()
But after that I'm a bit stuck.
Unless I'm mistaken, you can not do both sorts in one go. But since they are independent of each other (the sum of the
in theAnythings
in aSomething
is independent of their order), this does not matter much. Just sort one after the other.To sort the
inside theSomethings
by theirnoThings
:To sort the
by the sum of thenoThings
of theirAnythings
:Note that both those sorts will modify the respective lists in-place.
As pointed out by @Tagir, the second sort will calculate the sum of the Anythings again for each pair of Somethings that are compared in the sort. If the lists are long, this can be very wasteful. Instead, you could first calculate the sums in a map and then just look up the value.