Javascript Code Structure

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So I'm making this app about a prison and prisoners etc, and I'm using the Observer Pattern. Ideally I would like to have only 1 global variable named App, and I would like to use the provided Observer Pattern code (in the link above) as a helper in my App.

For example

function App() {
    this.helpers = {
        prisoners: function ObserverList() {
            this.observerList = [];

            ObserverList.prototype.Add = function( obj ){
                return this.observerList.push( obj );
           //more stuff

        prison: function Subject() {
            this.observers = new ObserverList();

            Subject.prototype.AddObserver = function(observer){
            //more stuff
   this.alcatraz = new this.helpers.prison();

My question is, does this make sense in terms of maintainability, best practices etc? It certainly looks better than just dumping the Observer code as a bunch of inner functions inside App.

With this restructuring there's an issue in prison. Since all the observer pattern functions are now key/value pairs inside this.helpers I should change this.observers = new ObserverList(); to something like new this.helpers.prisoners(); but the value of this has changed, and I have no idea how to call/apply with the new operator. (IF that even makes any sense).

Also I would appreciate any source (book/blog/video) that has real world friendly examples, instead of code snippets. Nothing against Addy Osmani and his work, he is an amazing guy for all these free resources, but for a newcomer making everything click together sometime is harder than a pro-javascripter would think (specially given the freedom that Javascript allows)

Apologies in advance if my question sounds 'too generic' or 'non-constructive', but I would appreciate some advice.


There are 1 best solutions below


I haven't used the observer pattern but here are my thoughts:

  1. Calling apply on new just make sense. In JS, the new operator effectively creates a blank object and assigns it to this. I'm would say that its equivalent to ctor.apply({}) except that it won't return the newly constructed object (you'd have to save the object before hand)

  2. you could define the ctor before hand and just instantiate helpers:

    function App() {
    function helpers() {
        var self = this;
        this.prisoners = function ObserverList() {
            this.observerList = [];
            ObserverList.prototype.Add = function (obj) {
                return this.observerList.push(obj);
            //more stuff
        this.prison = function Subject() {
            this.observers = new self.prisoners();
            Subject.prototype.AddObserver = function (observer) {
            //more stuff
    this.helpers = new helpers();
    this.alcatraz = new this.helpers.prison();

But personally if you just want to create types, I'd just declare them as functions in the appropriate scope. Something like:

function App() {
    function prisoners() {
        this.observerList = [];
        ObserverList.prototype.Add = function (obj) {
            return this.observerList.push(obj);
        //more stuff
    function prison() {
        this.observers = new prisoners();
        Subject.prototype.AddObserver = function (observer) {
        //more stuff
    this.alcatraz = new this.prison();