Javascript SVN wrapper

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Is there any Javascript library that enables to read and commit files to a Subversion server?

The server could be using the svn:// protocol or the http:// (dav_svn) protocol. If one is more convenient that's ok, though a library that could handle both type is better.

I would like to avoid having to create a local working copy of the repository (is that even possible to checkout a repository in Javascript :p...).

Anyone sees a solution? I've been looking around but didn't find anything.


There are 4 best solutions below


I don't know a really ready solution, but maybe this: could help. Thats a WebDAV-Client written in JS and with this it should be possible do checkout SVN as well.

Otherwise you will have to implement WebDAV by yourself. You can find the specification here:


I have the same question, and I've just found svnjs which seems to be exactly this; I haven't tried it myself but it claims to support add, rm, propset, propdel, mkdir and commit. No move, copy, lock or unlock.

It also looks like it was last touched four years ago, for what it's worth.


You can write your own Svn commands in a set of command files and then run them inside your script.

/* Create WSH Shell */
oShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" );

/* Launch svn.exe with other orguments */
oShell.Run( "svn.exe svn://  Param1 param2" );

/* Let the user know that we are done           */
WScript.Echo( "Done" );

But as you know, this is not safe.


The didn't work for me

I used jQuery to read an XML file:

var URL = window.location.href;
var baseURL = URL.substring(0, URL.lastIndexOf('/'));
    type: "OPTIONS",
    url: baseURL,
    contentType: "text/xml", //for other files look up the api link below
    headers: {Depth: "0"},
    data: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><D:options xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:activity-collection-set></D:activity-collection-set></D:options>',
    success: function(data1, status, jqxhr){
        latestRev = jqxhr.getResponseHeader('SVN-Youngest-Rev');
            type: "PROPFIND",
            url: baseURL + '/!svn/rvr/' + latestRev,
            contentType: "text/xml",
            headers: {Depth: "0"},
            data: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><propfind xmlns="DAV:"><prop><resourcetype xmlns="DAV:"/></prop></propfind>',
            success: function(data2, status, jqxhr){
                    type: "OPTIONS",
                    url: baseURL,
                    contentType: "text/xml",
                    headers: {Depth: "0"},
                    data: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><D:options xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:activity-collection-set></D:activity-collection-set></D:options>',
                    success: function(data3, status, jqxhr){
                            type: "REPORT",
                            url: baseURL + "/!svn/me",
                            contentType: "text/xml",
                            data: '<S:update-report xmlns:S="svn:"><S:include-props>yes</S:include-props><S:src-path>/svn/check</S:src-path><S:target-revision>' + latestRev + '</S:target-revision><S:depth>unknown</S:depth><S:entry depth="infinity" rev="' + latestRev + '"></S:entry></S:update-report>',
                            success: function(data4,status,jqxhr){
                                svnSpecs = data4;
                                    type: "GET",
                                    url: '/svn/check/!svn/rvr/' + latestRev + '/KickOff.xml',
                                    converters: {"text xml": function(obj) {
                                        hashBase = calcMD5(obj);
                                        return obj;
                                    cache: false,
                                    async: false,
                                    success: function(data5, status, jqxhr){
                                        hashdata5 = calcMD5(data5);
                                        xmlString = $($.parseXML(data5));

If you want to import other files than xml look it up here:

In data4/svnSpecs you can find every keyword you used within your xml - just do the same as with the xmlString

With a = xmlString.find("Member"); you get an array with every object named member of the xml if you do a[0].textContent = "Harry"; you set the content of the first object within your xmlString to Harry --> you can just do an drawTable() afterwards to refresh your table

EDIT: Within the drawTable() methode you have to do the a.find(""), var list = []; and list.push("html text for a table") and an $("#membertable").html(list); to write everthing in the existing table "membertable"

The hashBase is important for commiting. i'm not done with the commit but nearly. current code and process is over here: how to do SVN http-request checkin/commit within html