JDBI bindMethodsList()/bindBeanList() throws UnableToCreateStatementException

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I am trying to bind a list of tuples in JDBI:

@EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
public class AuthorBooks {
    public long authorId;
    public long bookId;

Using bindMethodsList():

List<AuthorBooks> allAuthorBooks = Arrays.asList(new AuthorBooks(4394, 9977));
handler.createUpdate("DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE (author_id, book_id)"
                + " IS NOT IN (<allAuthorBooks>)")
      .bindMethodsList("allAuthorBooks", allAuthorBooks, List.of("getAuthorId, getBookId"))

Using bindBeanList():

List<AuthorBooks> allAuthorBooks = Arrays.asList(new AuthorBooks(4394, 9977));
handler.createUpdate("DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE (author_id, book_id)"
                + " IS NOT IN (<allAuthorBooks>)")
      .bindBeanList("allAuthorBooks", allAuthorBooks, List.of("authorId, bookId"))

Both approach throws error

org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.UnableToCreateStatementException: Unable to get getAuthorId, getBookId argument for AuthorBooks(authorId=4394, bookId=9977)


There are 1 best solutions below


For your attempt at bindMethodsList(), you need to actually add the getAuthorId() and getBookId() as public methods on your AuthorBooks class.

I'm not entirely sure what the issue is with your bindBeanList() implementation, but if you edit your question to include the specific error message, I'm happy to take a look.