Jenkins PowerShell Plugin parsing $env:BUILD_NUMBER

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I am trying to use the PowerShell Plugin on Jenkins, to build my cake script. And i want to parse the $env:BUILD_NUMBER into the Cake script - and that is working fine in the PowerShell Window on Windows using:

.\build.ps1 -buildNumber=123

But when using the "same" (Ok when parsing 123) in the PowerShell Plugin on Jenkins - it Fails. It is not parsing the value of the $env:BUILD_NUMBER to Cake. I am using this:

$bn = $env:BUILD_NUMBER;
cd D:\_Builds\Al.Common.Std.Interface\SolutionItems\
write-host $bn              //Just at test writing 123 OK
.\build.ps1 -buildNumber=$bn

In the cake script i use the $bn-value as NuGet version Number. But i get the following error:

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.0.0\NuGet.targets(102,5): error : '1.0.0.$bn' is not a valid version string.

Any ideas are very welcome


There are 1 best solutions below


When it comes to environment variables, probably the best solution is to just read them using the EnvironmentVariable alias provided out of the box with Cake.

var buildNumber = EnvironmentVariable("BUILD_NUMBER");

That said for acquiring the build number from Jenkins, Cake actually already provides a way of doing that out of the box using the BuildSystem property alias which is globally available, it provides a Jenkins property which wraps all kind of information about your Jenkins environment including build number as a typed integer.

Information("Running on Jenkins {0}, build number: {1}.",
    BuildSystem.Jenkins.IsRunningOnJenkins ? "Yes" : "No",

Above will output something like Running on Jenkins Yes, build number: 1. if you're running on jenkins and Running on Jenkins No, build number: 0. if you aren't.

Now if you still want to pass as an argument to the issue is that PowerShell arguments work a bit differently than other shells and we've only wrapped the most common ones. For additional arguments to the build.ps1 bootstrapper script using the ScriptArgs parameter like this:

.\build.ps1 -ScriptArgs "--buildNumber=""$env:BUILD_NUMBER""" 

And then obtaining that parameter could look something like this

var buildNumber = Argument<int?>("buildNumber", 0);

Information("BuildNumber: {0} ({1})",
    buildNumber, buildNumber.HasValue);

And will output BuildNumber: [NULL] (False) if an invalid value is specified and something like BuildNumber: 1 (True) if a valid argument value is present (and it'll default to 0 if no value is specified).