Jetpack Compose detectTransformGestures consumes all gestures

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I have taken a look at the following answer and it didn't work How to use detectTransformGestures but not consuming all pointer event

The problem: I have a LazyList that I need to scroll vertically, the children composables also are draggable horizontally and respond to tap and presses. But, I want the LazyList to also be pinched-in or pinched-out while still intercepting the drag gestures. Here's the current code of the modifier for the existing gestures:

           /* LazyList child composable */ 
           Modifier.pointerInput(myLock) {
                   onDragEnd = {
                       if (fooBolean) {
                   onDrag = { change, dragAmount ->

                        scope.launch {
                            /* Scrolling the lazylist using the state linked to it */ 
                            state.scroll {
           .pointerInput(Unit) {
                   onTap = {
                       scope.launch {
                            val press = PressInteraction.Press(Offset.Zero)


My attempt: I tried modifying the source code for detectTransformGestures to remove the consume part, but it doesn't work at all. It worked for tap and drag, but not for transform gestures. If I add this piece of code to detect zoom-in and zoom-out (pinch gesture), then everything else will just stop working:

/* This surface is situated on top of the lazylist, i know it's overlaying it, but then if I add the pointerInput modifier to the lazylist, it also won't work, nothing works, it seems like this modifier keeps blocking until the pointers are lifted */
Surface(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().alpha(0f)
                    .pointerInput(Unit) {
                            onGesture = { c, p, z, r ->

                                Log.e("f", "$z")
                ) {}

Is there any way I can detect ONLY-ZOOM gesture without consuming it, so I can intercept the other gestures normally ?


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