Jetpack Compose Preview is not showing when having a ViewModel parameter

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I am using Jetpack Compose and noticed that the preview is not shown. I read articles like this, but it seems my problem has a different root cause. Even I added defaults to all parameters in the compose function like this:

fun VolumeSettingsScreen(
    speech: SpeechHelper = SpeechHelper(), // my class that converts text to speech
    viewModel: VolumeSettingsViewModel = hiltViewModel(), // using Hilt to inject ViewModels
    navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController() // Compose Navigation component
) {
    MyAppheme {

When I rollbacked some changes I realized that the @Preview does not support the viewModels regardless of whether they are injected with Hilt or not.

Any Idea how this could be fixed?


There are 3 best solutions below


Have you considered having a structure where you have a Screen and the actual Content separated like this?

// data class
data class AccountData(val accountInfo: Any?)

// composable "Screen", where you define contexts, viewModels, hoisted states, etc
fun AccountScreen(viewModel: AccountViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {

    val accountData = viewModel.accountDataState.collectAsState()

    AccountContent(accountData = accountData) {
        // click callback

//your actual composable that hosts your child composable widget/components
fun AccountContent(
    accountData: AccountData,
    clickCallback: () ->
) {

where you can have a preview for the Content like this?

fun AccountContentPreview() {

    // create some mock AccountData
    val mockData = AccountData(…)
    AccountContent(accountData = mockData) {
         // I'm not expecting some actual ViewModel calls here, instead I'll just manipulate the mock data

this way, all components that aren't needed to be configured by the actual content composable are separated, taking you off from headaches configuring a preview.

Just an added note and could be off-topic, I just noticed you have a parameter like this,

speech: SpeechHelper = SpeechHelper()

you might consider utilizing compositionLocalProvider (if needed), that could clean up your parameters.


I managed to visualize the preview of the screen, by wrapping the ViewModels's functions into data classes, like this:

fun VolumeSettingsScreen(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    speechCallbacks: SpeechCallbacks = SpeechCallbacks(),
    navigationCallbacks: NavigationCallbacks = NavigationCallbacks(),
    viewModelCallbacks: VolumeSettingsScreenCallbacks = VolumeSettingsScreenCallbacks()
) {
    MyAppheme {

I passed not the ViewModel directly in the compose but needed functions in a Data class for example, like this:

data class VolumeSettingsScreenCallbacks(
    val uiState: Flow<BaseUiState?> = flowOf(null),
    val onValueUpSelected: () -> Boolean = { false },
    val onValueDownSelected: () -> Boolean = { false },
    val doOnBoarding: (String) -> Unit = {},
    val onScreenCloseRequest: (String) -> Unit = {} 

I made a method that generates those callbacks in the ViewModel, like this:

class VolumeSettingsViewModel @Inject constructor() : BaseViewModel() {

    fun createViewModelCallbacks(): VolumeSettingsScreenCallbacks =
            uiState = uiState,
            onValueUpSelected = ::onValueUpSelected,
            onValueDownSelected = ::onValueDownSelected,
            doOnBoarding = ::doOnBoarding,
            onScreenCloseRequest = ::onScreenCloseRequest


In the NavHost I hoisted the creation of the ViewModel like this:

    fun MyAppNavHost(
        speech: SpeechHelper,
        navController: NavHostController,
        startDestination: String = HOME.route,
    ): Unit = NavHost(
        navController = navController,
        startDestination = startDestination,
    ) {
        composable(route = Destination.VOLUME_SETTINGS.route) {
            hiltViewModel<VolumeSettingsViewModel>().run {
                    modifier = keyEventModifier,
                    speechCallbacks = speech.createCallback() // my function,
                    navigation callbacks = navController.createCallbacks(), //it is mine extension function                  
                    viewModelCallbacks = createViewModelCallbacks()

It is a bit complicated, but it works :D. I will be glad if there are some comets for improvements.


I found a solution that enables seeing preview that is optimal during development, but not so much in production code.

Make your viewmodel param in your compose nullable:

fun VolumeSettingsScreen(
    viewModel: VolumeSettingsViewModel? = hiltViewModel(), ...)

Then, in your preview just pass a null param:

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun PreviewVolumeSettingsScreen() {
   VolumeSettingsScreen(null, ....)