Join data but ignore missing values

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I am having some trouble with joining data frames with dplyr, where I would like to ignore the NAs.

The data that I have is quite big, but a simplified version looks like:

id <- c("id1", "id2", "id3", "id4")
A <- c("E", "F", "G", NA)
B <- c("T", NA, "N", "T")
C <- c(NA, "T", "U", NA)

df <- data.frame(A, B, C)

     id    A    B    C
1    id1   E    T    NA
2    id2   F    NA   T
3    id3   G    N    U
4    id4   NA   T    NA

I have an entry that I would like to match with df, which is e.g.:

df2 <- data.frame(A = "E", B = "T", C = "M")

    A    B    C
1   E    T    M

As a result I would like to obtain all rows from df that match with df2, but the NAs should be ignored. So the result should look like this:

     id    A    B    C
1    id1   E    T    NA
2    id4   NA   T    NA

I was trying to do this with semi_join, but it did not work so far:

result <- df %>%
  group_by(n = seq(n())) %>%
  do(modify_if(.,, ~NULL) %>%
       semi_join(df2, by = c("A", "B", "C"))) %>%
  ungroup %>%

Which results in:

Error: `by` can't contain join column `C` which is missing from LHS
Call `rlang::last_error()` to see a backtrace

Who knows the answer?


There are 3 best solutions below


Here's a solution with a mix of tidyverse and base R. I think this is pretty clear, but I'd be interested in a pure tidyverse implementation that isn't completely contrived.

The idea is to first expand all entries in df and df2 and then filter through all the columns using a loop.

The data:

id <- c("id1", "id2", "id3", "id4")
A <- c("E", "F", "G", NA)
B <- c("T", NA, "N", "T")
C <- c(NA, "T", "U", NA)

df <- data.frame(id, A, B, C, stringsAsFactors = F) # Make sure to use strings not factors
df2 <- data.frame(A = "E", B = "T", C = "M", stringsAsFactors = F)


results <- crossing(df, df2)
select_columns <- c("A", "B", "C")
for(col in select_columns) {
  keep <-[[col]]) | results[[col]] == results[[paste0(col, 1)]]
  results <- results[keep,, drop=F]
results <- results %>% dplyr::select(id, A:C) %>% distinct

   id    A B    C
1 id1    E T <NA>
2 id4 <NA> T <NA>

If you only need to do this for a single set of values this is probably the most straightforward approach:

d[A %in% c("E",NA) & B %in%c("T",NA) & C %in% c("M",NA),]

Another example using tidyverse and base (dplyr, tidyr, base):

In this I convert your df2 into a dataframe that includes all combinations of values you want to accept ( (E or NA) & (T or NA) & (M or NA) ) and then I do an inner join with this full set. There are other ways to create a dataframe of all possible combinations but this one uses tidyr fairly easily.


id <- c("id1", "id2", "id3", "id4")
A <- c("E", "F", "G", NA)
B <- c("T", NA, "N", "T")
C <- c(NA, "T", "U", NA)

df <- data.frame(A, B, C, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df2 <- data.frame(A = "E", B = "T", C = "M",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df2_expanded <- df2 %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(combinations = list(expand.grid(A = c(A,NA),B = c(B,NA),C = c(C,NA),stringsAsFactors = FALSE))) %>%
  select(-A,-B,-C) %>%

# A tibble: 8 x 3
#   A     B     C    
# <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 E     T     M    
# 2 NA    T     M    
# 3 E     NA    M    
# 4 NA    NA    M    
# 5 E     T     NA   
# 6 NA    T     NA   
# 7 E     NA    NA   
# 8 NA    NA    NA   

df %>%

#      A B    C
# 1    E T <NA>
# 2 <NA> T <NA>