JSF2 - ui:repeat, 1st commandLink doesn't work but others do

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I have a ui:repeat loop to perfom some paging:

<h:panelGroup layout="block" style="height: 25px;text-align: right" id="Prod-printed-paging">
  <ui:repeat value="#{upBean.pagesProdPrinted}"
     var="cppage" varStatus="cpstatus" >
     <h:panelGroup rendered="#{cpstatus.first and not (upBean.pageProdPrinted == '1')}">
        <h:commandLink id="previous" style="color: #390">#{appMsg.previous}
           <f:ajax listener="#{upBean.previousPageProdPrinted}"
              render=":form-myProd:get-printed-Prod :form-myProd:Prod-printed-paging"/>
        </h:commandLink> |
     <h:panelGroup rendered="#{upBean.pageProdPrinted eq cppage}">
        <h:panelGroup style="font-weight: bold">#{cppage}</h:panelGroup>
     <h:panelGroup rendered="#{not (upBean.pageProdPrinted eq cppage)}">
           <f:ajax listener="#{upBean.goToPagePrinted(cppage)}"
              render=":form-myProd:get-printed-Prod :form-myProd:Prod-printed-paging"/>
     <h:panelGroup rendered="#{cpstatus.last and not (upBean.pageProdPrinted == upBean.nbPageProdPrinted)}">
      | <h:commandLink id="next" style="color: #390">#{appMsg.next}
           <f:ajax listener="#{upBean.nextPageProdPrinted}"
              render=":form-myProd:get-printed-Prod :form-myProd:Prod-printed-paging"/>

This displays fine like this (in the case we are on a page > page n. 1):

Previous | 1 2 3 4 | next

All links are working well (firing the ManagedBean action) but the "Previous: link. Clicking "Previous" seems to do something: - I see it sends a partial-request (from firebug Console tab) but breakpoint at the "previousPageProdPrinted" doesn't get caught.

I have a h:form, not nested in another one. Is there anything I can do to track this issue?

Environment: - Glassfish 3.1 - Mojarra 2.1.3 (FCS b02)

Thank you for reading, JSC


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