K8s Game Servers: Dynamically forward TCP & UDP for Pods via Service/Ingress

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So in the last few days, I tried to find a way to dynamically attach ingress names (like game-1.myapp.com) to solve TCP & UDP for Steam Dedicated Servers on Kubernetes. I have attached the following diagram on how I planned it, but there are some issues I encountered.

I can dynamically create Namespaces, Pods (controlled by Stateful Sets), PVCs, Services, and Ingresses for each individual game server using the Kubernetes API. Each game server lies in its own namespace, completely separated by the others. I assured that the server runs under the hood, the Pod is also Running and active, the logs are good.

I got locked out when I needed to assign the Stateful Set service to an Ingress that is able to continuously reply to TCP/UDP traffic by using a namespaced DNS, that routes to the cluster's Ingress Controller (in Minikube; for Production an ALB/NLB should be used, AFAIK).

Somehow, I need a way to ingress the game-xxxxx.myapp.com to the specific game-xxxxx namespace's pod. It doesn't really matter if they will have appended ports or not.

For this, I can simply just API-call the DNS solver for myapp.com and add or remove A Records when it's needed. This seems okay, but I have found out that I can use ExternalDNS (https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/master/bitnami/external-dns) to do this automatically for me, based on the existent services.

What I have tried, no luck yet:


Setting up NGINX, but I had to define the exposed ports for each Service. Based on their documentation (https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/exposing-tcp-udp-services), it is OVERKILL to modify that ConfigMap and Recreate the NGINX pods each time, since there might be many changes and this does not seem viable. Plus, I highly doubt that NGINX will be a breeze under heavy load, I find it more suitable for web servers rather than game servers.

Also, I might need a way to make sure that I can have duplicated ports. For example, I cannot assign in NGINX the same 28015 port to many other servers, even when they are in different namespaces. If I use Agones (https://github.com/googleforgames/agones/blob/release-1.9.0/examples/gameserver.yaml) to assign random ports, at some point I might run out of them to assign.


I have tried to use Traefik, but had no luck. The IngressRoute allows the TCP/UDP routing from a Router to and EntryPoint than then routes it to the service assigned. I am not really sure how this works, I tried setting annotations to services & defining entry points, but it still refuses to work: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/routing/providers/kubernetes-crd/#kind-ingressroutetcp


Agones should be working for game servers and it supports TCPUDP protocol for service ports, but again, no luck with this.


I have posted below the diagram on how things should work. I also have this following YAML file that will create the Stateful Set, a PVC, and the Service. You can clearly see I tried ExternalName setup so maybe I can set the Minikube IP to that name and be able to connect, yet again, no luck:

Steam Dedicated Server workflow

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: rust-service
    game: rust
  # type: ExternalName
  # externalName: rust-1.rust.coal.app
  # clusterIP: ""
    game: rust
  - name: rust-server-tcp
    protocol: TCP
    port: 28015
    targetPort: 28015
  - name: rust-server-udp
    protocol: UDP
    port: 28015
    targetPort: 28015
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: rust-server
      game: rust
  replicas: 1
  serviceName: rust-service
      name: rust-server
        game: rust
      - name: rust
        image: didstopia/rust-server:latest
          - name: rust-server-tcp
            protocol: TCP
            containerPort: 28015
          - name: rust-server-udp
            protocol: UDP
            containerPort: 28015
    - metadata:
        name: local-disk
            storage: "10Gi"
        accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]

Edit: bump


There are 2 best solutions below


A side note!

If Ingress resource is used/mentioned it's referring to HTTP/HTTPS traffic.

The diagram that you've posted is looking like a good opportunity to use Service of type LoadBalancer.

Service of type LoadBalancer is used to handle external TCP/UDP traffic (Layer 4).


This solution supports only one at the time protocol, either TCP or UDP.

To have both protocol on the same port you will need to fallback to Service of type NodePort (which allocates port on a node from 30000 to 32767).

You can read more about creating cloud agnostic LoadBalancer that is using NodePort type of service by following this link:

In this setup Ingress controllers like Traefik or Nginx are not needed as they will only be an additional step between your Client and a Pod.

The example of such LoadBalancer you already have in your YAML definition (I slightly modified it):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: rust-service
    game: rust
  type: LoadBalancer # <-- THE CHANGE
    game: rust
  - name: rust-server-tcp
    protocol: TCP
    port: 28015
    targetPort: 28015

If you are intending to use AWS with it's EKS please refer to it's documentation:

Example of a possible setup (steps):

  • For each "game-X":
    • Create a namespace "game-X-namespace"
    • Create a deployment "game-X-deployment"
    • Create a service of type LoadBalancer "game-X-" that would point to a "game-X-deployment"
    • Create a DNS record pointing "game-X.com" to IP of LoadBalancer created in previous step.

Each LoadBalancer would have it's own IP and the DNS name associated with it like:

  • awesome-game.com with IP of and port to connect to 28015/TCP
  • magnificent-game.com with IP of and port to connect to 28015/TCP

I reckon this medium guide to create dedicated Steam server could prove useful:

Additional resources:


So as the previous reply said, ingresses are for web traffic. I didn't achieve working setups using Ingresses, BUT I have managed to use the service with NodePort and make sure to create a DNS record using External DNS that binds the custom sub-domain name to the right IP: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/external-dns

Now, the issue stands way after the idea of having to create a Deployment, wait for the Pod to get assigned, and make sure the pod sticks with that node or in case the node gets drained, to somehow keep the same node IP (a non-ephemeral one) that will keep staying with the pod as long as the deployment doesn't get deleted. In this way, I should make sure I label nodes when I need an existing Deployment to deploy the pods.