Kendo Grid with MultiSelect in EditPop, Sending [Object Object] to the server on Save

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I am using Kendo MultiSelect as UIHint for one the columns in my Kendo Grid. And I am trying to send selected values of the multiSelect in comma separated string to the server in the databound item.

the entity having the UIHint is like this:

public class Test 
    public string Labels { get; set; }
    //other properies

I've a kendo Grid of type Test i.e.


UIHint Labels.cshtml is like this:

    .DataSource(s =>
        s.Read(read => read.Action("Labels_Read", "Library"))

When I Add/Edit an item, and click on Save, I always receive [Object Object] value in the Labels property on the server side which is like :

public ActionResult Test_Save(Test obj)
   //obj.Labels is always having "[Object Object]" value

   // rest of the logic 

I've gone through this and few others, even tried to intercept the request on RequestStart and modify the added/edited item .Labels value explicitly, still, my obj( at server) receives [Object Object].


There are 1 best solutions below


Following setting should sort you out, issue is described here:


Selected value from your multiselect is keyvalue pair of text and id, that is source of the [Object Object]. You can also fix this and any other param related issues in parameterMap