@keycloak/keycloak-admin-client NestJS strange problem with role assigning

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My aim is next: I want to assign using @keycloak/keycloak-admin-client new role for the group in realm and in the some specific client like using UI:enter image description here

For example I have created new role:

async createRole(createRoleInput: CreateRoleInput) {
    const client = await this.keycloakAdminService.getClient();
    await client.roles.create({
      realm: 'space-realm',

    return (await client.roles.find()).map(r => r.name);

createRoleInput is an object, that includes just one field name, that will be used for role creation

Then I create a group using this code:

async createGroup(name: string) {
    const client = await this.keycloakAdminService.getClient();
      realm: 'space-realm',

And the final task is to assign role to the realm and client using this group, that is happening in the following code:

async assignRoleToGroup(groupname: string, rolename: string) {
    const client = await this.keycloakAdminService.getClient();
    const groups = await client.groups.find({
      search: groupname

    if (!groups.length) {
      throw new Error('No groups were found...')

    const roles = await client.roles.find({
      search: rolename

    if (!roles.length) {
      throw new Error('No roles were found...')

    try {
      if (groups[0] && roles[0]) {
        const group = groups[0];
        const role = roles[0];

        await client.groups.addRealmRoleMappings({
          realm: 'space-realm',
          id: group.id,
          roles: [{
            id: role.id,
            name: role.name

        const targetClients = await client.clients.find({
          clientId: 'finance-backend',

        if (!targetClients.length) {
          throw new Error("Client wasn't identified");

        const targetClient = targetClients[0];

        await client.groups.addClientRoleMappings({
          clientUniqueId: targetClient.id,
          id: group.id,
          roles: [{
            id: role.id,
            name: role.name
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error:', error.response ? error.response.data : error.message);

    return (await client.groups.find()).map(r => r.name);

But maybe I did something wrong because I have got multiple times this error:

Error: { error: 'Role not found' }

in this part of the code :

await client.groups.addClientRoleMappings({
              clientUniqueId: targetClient.id,
              id: group.id,
              roles: [{
                id: role.id,
                name: role.name

that is absolutely strange, because it has added this role to the realm without any similar troubles, using the same role. I will be very appreciated for the answer


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