Kiali Bookinfo example is not showing traffic to rating and other microservices

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I'm running the latest istio version on minishift. I can access the product page on

Kiali is showing the traffic from istio-ingressgateway to productpage

Kiali Traffic pic

I expect to see some traffic from productpage to the other microservices but it does not show it. Do you have any idea why?

These are my installation steps:


  • minishift config set hyperv-virtual-switch "External VM Switch"
  • minishift config set memory 8GB
  • minishift config set image-caching true
  • minishift config set cpus 4
  • minishift addon enable anyuid
  • minishift addon apply istio
  • minishift addon enable istio
  • minishift start


  • kubectl create namespace book-info
  • oc login -u system:admin
  • kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=book-info
  • kubectl label namespace book-info istio-injection=enabled
  • kubectl apply -f samples\bookinfo\platform\kube\bookinfo.YAML
  • kubectl get services
  • kubectl apply -f samples\bookinfo\networking\bookinfo-gateway.YAML
  • kubectl apply -f samples\bookinfo\networking\destination-rule-all.YAML


any feedback is greatly appreciated.


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