Knockout-kendo and Kendo UI MVC wrappers

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Here is the scenario

  1. I want to display data in a kendo grid and on selecting a row on that grid, it should display details of that row in a form with textboxes. User will be able to update the values and it should get reflected in kendo Grid. Am using knockout-kendo.js for this.

    Here is the jsfiddle link -

    Am able to display and bind data to grid.But on clicking a row in grid. Its not getting reflected in the form. Not sure what am missing. Please advise.

  2. I also want to test the same scenario with Kendo UI mvc wrappers to display the grid(instead of using declarative initilialization as above example) and Knockout-kendo.js framework together and see if they can go together.

Here its able to bind the data to grid, then am able to use knockout-kendo or just knockout to get the data from grid and display in form but its not getting updated back in grid.

<p class="k-block k-header k-shadow"> Kendo Grid - Companies</p>
        .DataSource(ds => ds.Ajax().PageSize(10).ServerOperation(false))
        .Columns(c =>
            c.Bound(p => p.CompanyName).Width(2);
            c.Bound(p => p.FullAddress).Width(2);
        .Selectable(s => s.Mode(GridSelectionMode.Single))

<form class="kCompaniesClass k-block k-info-colored">
<div class="k-header k-shadow">Company Details - using Kendo MVVM</div>
        <th>Company Name</th>
            @Html.TextBox("CompanyName",null,new Dictionary<string, object>{{"data-bind","value: CompanyName"}})
            @Html.TextBox("Fulladdress",null,new Dictionary<string, object>{{"data-bind","value: FullAddress"}})


 <script type="text/javascript">
   var viewModel = {
    CompanyName: ko.observable(""),
    FullAddress: ko.observable("")

function onChange(e) {
    grid = e.sender;
    var koCompanyItem = grid.dataItem(;
    viewModel = koCompanyItem;
   /* ko.cleanNode(document.getElementById("somegrid"));
    ko.applyBindings(viewModel, document.getElementById("somegrid"));*/


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