Kotlin: CoroutineScope is collecting data even after flow is cancelled

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I am trying to launch an Coroutine inside my PagingSource in order to watch how long my paging source is already trying to get my data. The only problem I have here is, that my Coroutine is still somehow collecting some data, even after I stopped my shopPagingWatcher Flow. Because of this, it throws IOException("No Intenet Exception) even when it should not.

I am launching a Coroutine because watching the state should not block the main flow of my paging source


class ShopRemoteMediator @Inject constructor(
    private val db: FirebaseFirestore,
    private val shopPagingWatcher: ShopPagingWatcher,
) : PagingSource<QuerySnapshot, Product>() {

    override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<QuerySnapshot>): LoadResult<QuerySnapshot, Product> {
        return try {
            // Launch Async Coroutine, Observe State, throw IO Exception when not loaded within 5 seconds
            CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
                shopPagingWatcher.observeMaxTimeReached().collect { maxTimeReached ->
                    if (maxTimeReached) {
                        Timber.d("Mediator failed")
                        throw IOException("No Internet Exception")

            val currentPage = params.key ?: db.collection(FIREBASE_PRODUCTS)

            val lastDocumentSnapShot = currentPage.documents[currentPage.size() - 1]

            val nextPage = db.collection(FIREBASE_PRODUCTS)

            // When PagingSource is here, it successfully loaded currentPage and nextPage, therefore stop Watcher
            Timber.d("Mediator Sucessfull")

                data = currentPage.toObjects(),
                prevKey = null,
                nextKey = nextPage

        } catch (e: Exception) {
            // IOException should be caught here, but it is not! The app crashed instead!
            Timber.d("Mediator Exception ist $e")


class ShopPagingWatcher @Inject constructor() : Workwatcher()

Abstract WorkWatcher

abstract class Workwatcher {
    private companion object {
        private val dispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
        private var timeStamp by Delegates.notNull<Long>()

        private var running = false
        private var manuallyStopped = false
        private var finished = false

        private const val maxTime: Long = 5000000000L

    // Push the current timestamp, set running to true
    // I don't know if it is necessary to use "synchronized"
    fun start() = synchronized(dispatcher) {
        timeStamp = System.nanoTime()
        running = true
        manuallyStopped = false
        finished = false

    // Manually stop the WorkerHelper 
    // I don't know if it is necessary to use "synchronized"
    fun stop()  = synchronized(dispatcher) {
        running = false
        manuallyStopped = true
        finished = true
        Timber.d("Mediator stopped")

    // Function that observes the time
    fun observeMaxTimeReached(): Flow<Boolean> = flow {
        // Check if maxTime is not passed with → (System.nanoTime() - timeStamp) <= maxTime
        while (running && !finished && !manuallyStopped && (System.nanoTime() - timeStamp) <= maxTime) {
            Timber.d("Currenttime is smaller, everything fine")
        // This will be executed only when the Worker is running longer than maxTime
        if (!manuallyStopped && !finished) {
            Timber.d("Currenttime bigger, yikes. Stop worker")
            running = false
            finished = true
        } else if (finished || manuallyStopped) {

How should I change my Coroutine inside my PagingSource in order to achieve my goal? Timber.d("Mediator stopped) gets called.

I appreciate every help, thank you.


There are 1 best solutions below


Do you need to measure duration? Time is already passing everywhere, you don't need another thread or coroutine to track that. There's measureNanoTime {} that measures how long a code block took to execute.

Do you need to apply a timeout inside a suspending function? There's withTimeout exactly for that. Example:

class ShopRemoteMediator @Inject constructor(
    private val db: FirebaseFirestore,
    private val shopPagingWatcher: ShopPagingWatcher,
) : PagingSource<QuerySnapshot, Product>() {

    override suspend fun load(
        params: LoadParams<QuerySnapshot>
    ): LoadResult<QuerySnapshot, Product> {
        return try {
            withTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS) {         // <<<<<<<<<<
                val currentPage = ...
                val nextPage = ...
                    data = currentPage.toObjects(),
                    prevKey = null,
                    nextKey = nextPage
        } catch (e: IOException) {
        } catch (e: TimeoutCancellationException) {    // <<<<<<<<<<