Kotlin nested sealed classes for mapping enums

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I have an extensive class hierarchy that I want to map to an existing enum type. Given this example hierarchy:

open class A {
    open class BB: A() {
        class CCC: BB(){}
        class DDD: BB(){}

I want to map the class type from the hierarchy to the enum, i.e. in kotlin a mapping of type

val mapping: Pair<KClass<A>, TypeEnum> = A::class to TypeEnum.TYPEA

I thought to use a sealed class for each hierarchy class that contains the corresponding mapping, I have this code, but isn't working as the compiler says I can't instantiate a sealed class

sealed class ASealed(type: KClass<out A>) {

        abstract val typeMapping: TypeEnum

        sealed class BBSealed(type: KClass<out BB>) : ASealed(type) {

            override val typeMapping = TypeEnum.TYPEBB

            sealed class CCCSealed(type: KClass<CCC>) : BBSealed(type){
                override val typeMapping = TypeEnum.TYPECCC
            sealed class DDDSealed(type: KClass<DDD>) : BBSealed(type){
                override val typeMapping = TypeEnum.TYPEDDD


fun mapto(){
    val ccc = CCC()
    val enum = ASealed(ccc::class).typeMapping

Is it possible to use this approach, so I have all the class hierarchy grouped and retrieve the enum type like in the above function?


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