Kotlin Vertx with Coroutines blocks when trying to call run blocking

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I am using a third party library which has exposed a callback function. The call back function will be called upon success . The callback function is not a suspend function, but when I trying to make a call inside the non suspend function to return the result of a suspend function which makes IO call using aysnc and await , the call never gets compelted. Below I have come up with a simple code snippet which demonstrates the problem.

open class TestVerticle: CoroutineVerticle() {

  override suspend fun start() {



 fun awaitBlockingExample():String {

    val future= async(vertx.dispatcher()) {

     val result:String= runBlocking(vertx.dispatcher()){future.await()}
     println(" The final Result is $result")
     return result

  suspend fun makeSuspendFunCall():String{
    println("Comming here 3")
    val resp="Test"
    return resp

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {

The program runs fines if I remove the delay function in makeSuspendFunCall, but it will get hung if I add the delay function. I am actually simulating suspend function network call using the delay function here. How can I get result from awaitBlockingExample in this scenario ? I clearly understand that by making awaitBlockingExample as suspend function I can make this work and remove the async and run blocking calls inside. But here awaitBlockingExample (non suspend function) represents a implementation provided by a this party library where its overridden in our implementation . For example , guava cache provides a reload function, I would like to override the reload function (non suspend function) and call a coroutine function from the reload method to refresh cache value from database or network call.


There are 3 best solutions below


The problem is that the vertx.dispatcher() uses a single thread as an event loop and runBlocking blocks this thread.


Your awaitBlockingExample() function is running on this Vertx event loop thread, because it is triggered from the suspend start() function. If you invoke runBlocking() this Vertx-thread is blocked and never released. But your other coroutines, e.g. async(), now have no thread to do their work.


I assume that the invocation of awaitBlockingExample from the start function happens only in this example. In reality I would assume that the external callback uses its own thread. Then there is no problem at all, because now the external thread is blocked:

override suspend fun start() {

    //simulate own thread for external callback
    thread {

fun awaitBlockingExample():String {

    val future= async(vertx.dispatcher()) {

    val result:String= runBlocking(vertx.dispatcher()){future.await()}
    println(" The final Result is $result")
    return result

BTW: You don't require the async() block, you can directly call the makeSuspendFunCall() from runBlocking()

fun awaitBlockingExample():String = runBlocking(vertx.dispatcher()){
    val result = makeSuspendFunCall()
    println(" The final Result is $result")

Try next approach:

override fun start() {
    GlobalScope.launch {
        val result = awaitBlockingExample()

suspend fun awaitBlockingExample(): String {
    val response =  makeSuspendFunCall()
    println(" The final Result is $response")
    return response

suspend fun makeSuspendFunCall():String{
    println("Comming here 3")
    return suspendCoroutine {
        val resp="Test"

For Kotlin 1.3.0 and above

private val mainScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main)

fun start(){
        mainScope.launch { 
            val data = withContext(Dispatchers.IO){
                //This function will return the result. Return type of the below function will be type of data variable above.
            //use your data result from async call. Result will be available here as soon as awaitBlockingExample() return it.
        //Your function will continue execution without waiting for async call to finish.

 fun awaitBlockingExample():String {
    //Your Logic

Hope this will help.