KQL assistance - how do I apply a filter to my query?

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I'm trying to weed out any routing tables that have a default route to the internet. I've come up with a query to get all of the routing tables. How do I filter to generate a list of routes that default out to the public internet?

This is what I've come up with so far, but it's returning everything. I just want a list of routing tables that are set default to the public internet. Apparently I'm not applying the filters correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

| where type =~ "Microsoft.Network/routeTables"
| mv-expand rules = properties.routes
| join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers 
| where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' 
| project SubcriptionName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| extend subnet_name = split((split(tostring(properties.subnets), '/'))[10], '"')[0]
| extend addressPrefix = ""
| extend nextHopType = "Internet"
| extend nextHopIpAddress = tostring(rules.properties.nextHopIpAddress)
| extend hasBgpOverride = tostring(rules.properties.hasBgpOverride)
| extend provisioningState = tostring(rules.properties.provisioningState)
| extend udrname = rules.name
| extend rtname = name
| project SubcriptionName, resourceGroup, subnet_name, rtname, udrname, addressPrefix, nextHopType,        nextHopIpAddress, provisioningState, hasBgpOverride
| sort by SubcriptionName, resourceGroup asc, rtname asc, addressPrefix asc

There are 1 best solutions below


To list out the routing tables that are set default to the public internet using kql query, I modified your query with the below set of possibilities and it worked for me as follows.


Filter the routes which have the nexthoptype property as "Internet" type and the usual "" IP prefix which is a default route for any network table.

| where type =~ "Microsoft.Network/routeTables"
| mv-expand routerules = properties.routes
| where routerules != "null"  and routerules.properties.addressPrefix == ""  and routerules.properties.nextHopType == "Internet"
| join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers
| where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| project SubcriptionName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| extend subnet_name = split((split(tostring(properties.subnets), '/'))[10], '"')[0]
| extend addressPrefix = ""
| extend nextHopType = "Internet"
| extend nextHopIpAddress = tostring(rules.properties.nextHopIpAddress)
| extend hasBgpOverride = tostring(rules.properties.hasBgpOverride)
| extend provisioningState = tostring(rules.properties.provisioningState)
| extend udrname = rules.name
| extend rtname = name
| project SubcriptionName, resourceGroup, subnet_name, rtname, udrname, addressPrefix, nextHopType, nextHopIpAddress, provisioningState, hasBgpOverride
| sort  by SubcriptionName, resourceGroup asc, rtname asc, addressPrefix asc

enter image description here


Apply a query filter to the subnet array index's[0] which contains Ip address prefix indicates, it is set to the default public internet.

| where type =~ "Microsoft.Network/routeTables"
| mv-expand routerules = properties.routes
| where properties.subnets[0].properties.addressPrefix == ""
| join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers
| where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| project SubcriptionName=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| extend subnet_name = split((split(tostring(properties.subnets), '/'))[10], '"')[0]
| extend addressPrefix = ""
| extend nextHopType = "Internet"
| extend nextHopIpAddress = tostring(rules.properties.nextHopIpAddress)
| extend hasBgpOverride = tostring(rules.properties.hasBgpOverride)
| extend provisioningState = tostring(rules.properties.provisioningState)
| extend udrname = rules.name
| extend rtname = name
| project SubcriptionName, resourceGroup, subnet_name, rtname, udrname, addressPrefix, nextHopType, nextHopIpAddress, provisioningState, hasBgpOverride
| sort  by SubcriptionName, resourceGroup asc, rtname asc, addressPrefix asc

enter image description here