Here is my Export Class, function drawings () :

public function drawings()
        $drawingCollection = [];        
        $row = 2;
        $column = 'G';

        foreach ($this->reportData as $data) {
            $drawing = new Drawing();
            if($data->{'Foto Toko Depan'})
                $imagePath = storage_path('app/public/' . $data->{'Foto Toko Depan'});
                $drawing->setCoordinates($column . $row);
                $drawingCollection[] = $drawing;

        return $drawingCollection;

After downloaded, it looks like this: Spreadsheet Screenshot

It looks a mess, because it is 'over' cell, not 'in cell' , is there any way to fix this?

Setting row height was not really useful, because the image is 'over cell'


There are 1 best solutions below


You can't achieve that. it works like an overlay. However, you can set the cell height to match the image height, creating a similar effect.

public function registerEvents(): array
      return [
                 AfterSheet::class => function(AfterSheet $event) {
                     for ($i =1; $i <= $this->count; $i++) {

You can pass the number of rows from your controller like this

public function export()
        $count = User::count();
        $export = new UsersExport($count);
        return Excel::download($export, 'users.xlsx');