laravel schema builder, find columnType autoincrement

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I'm working to update an existing database to use autoincremented primary keys. This DB currently has crazy named PK fields with custom values. I need to check each table first to see if it HAS an autoinc field first, then I want to drop it and replace with 'id' field.

I want to do this as a migration, here's what I have so far but I can't seem to identify if the first col is autoincrementing already so I can drop the existing PK and replace. I need to replace the hasColumn with something like a firstColumn then getColumnType...

    foreach ($tableNames as $name)
                if (!Schema::hasColumn($name, 'id')) {
                Schema::table($name, function ($table) {

There are 1 best solutions below


In order to solve the problem I ran the following code from a controller. Notice here that I have only two fields for the demo (id,name)

$result = DB::select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM table_name"); dd($result);

Now the output after dd() will be somewhat like this:

0 => {#162 ▼
    +"Field": "id"
    +"Type": "int(11)"
    +"Null": "NO"
    +"Key": "PRI"
    +"Default": null
    +"Extra": "auto_increment"

1 => {#164 ▼
    +"Field": "name"
    +"Type": "varchar(255)"
    +"Null": "YES"
    +"Key": ""
    +"Default": null
    +"Extra": ""

Now you can easily extract the "Extra" : "auto_increment" , like this:

$result = DB::select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM product");
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
            if($value->Extra == 'auto_increment'){
                //do something