Leaflet l-marker-cluster is closing the opened popup when cluster is changed

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The problem: When the user opens a marker popup sometimes it is necessary to zoom out so the user can see bigger portion of the map. Once the selected marker gets added to a cluster or clusters get re-rendered the popup closes and the user is not able to see which marker was opened

The question: How can I prevent this situation and leave the popup opened until the user actually closes the popup?

I have the following setup:

  • Nuxt2
  • Leaflet
  • Leaflet.markercluster

I have build the map in different components because I am using Atomic Design. Here are the separate components:


<l-map id="myMap" ref="mapElement" :zoom="zoom" :center="center" class="gkn-map__map" :options="{scrollWheelZoom: !isMobile, touchZoom: isMobile, dragging: !isMobile}">
  <l-tile-layer :url="url" :attribution="attribution" />
  <MoleculeMapCluster :map-items="mapItems"/>


<l-marker-cluster class="cluster" @animationend="animationEnded()">
  <MoleculeMapMarker v-for="(item, index) in mapItems" :key="index" :map-items="mapItems" :item="item" />


<l-marker v-for="(coord, index) in coordinates" :key="index" ref="marker" :lat-lng="coord">
  <MoleculeMapMarkerPopup :item="item" />


<l-popup class="map-popup" :auto-close="false">
  <!-- Customize the content of the popup here -->
  <AtomImage v-if="item.image" :src="item.image" class="img" :alt="item.title" data-testid="source-img" />
  <div class="content">

That stripped code above results to this: When popup is opened

Once the user zooms out the clusters gets "redrawn" and all popups are closed by the map: After user zooms out


There are 1 best solutions below


you can use a combination of @popupopen event from Leaflet and a bitof state management

add a ref to poupup elemnt

<l-marker v-for="(coord, index) in coordinates" :key="index" ref="marker" :lat-lng="coord">
  <MoleculeMapMarkerPopup :item="item" ref="popup" />

use a state var to track open popup

  <l-map id="myMap" ref="mapElement" @popupopen="handlePopupOpen" ...>
    <!-- other map components -->

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      openPopupItem: null,
  methods: {
    handlePopupOpen({ popup }) {
      this.openPopupItem = popup.options.item;

receive 'openPopupItem' as a prop in your MapMarkerPopup.vue

  <l-popup class="map-popup" :auto-close="false" :open="shouldOpenPopup">
    <!-- Popup content -->

export default {
  props: {
    item: Object,
    openPopupItem: Object,
  data() {
    return {
      shouldOpenPopup: false,
  watch: {
    openPopupItem(newVal) {
      this.shouldOpenPopup = this.item === newVal;

at last we passs openPopupItem to its child comp

<l-marker v-for="(coord, index) in coordinates" :key="index" ref="marker" :lat-lng="coord">
  <MoleculeMapMarkerPopup :item="item" :openPopupItem="openPopupItem" ref="popup" />
