We have 3 tables:
- Table0, containing the ID (= primary key)
- Table1, contains amongst others the nullable FK towards the ID from table0
- Table2, contains amongst others the nullable FK towards the ID from table0
Our query runs way too slow, even when it's indexed properly. When looking at the execution plan (SQL Server 2014), he looses a lot of time on that left outer join. SQL server uses a "Hash Match" instead, making it an inner join which costs 47% (or 50% if I don't explicitly set the [FI].[pId] = [FPF].[PId]
in the where clause).
The explaination states that he uses a "hash key probe" towards the [FI].[pId].
SELECT [FI].[ID], [FI].[Name], [FI].[Data]
FROM [dbo].[Table1] AS [FI] WITH (NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN [Table2] AS [FPF] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [FI].[pId] = [FPF].[pId]
[FI].[pId] = [FPF].[PId] AND -- If I add this explicitly, the query is already a lot faster
[FI].[tId] = @tID --is bigint (FK)
[Fi].[Name] = @Name --is varchar
[FI].[fiType] = 1
[FPF].[tId] = @tID
[FPF].[Name] = @Name
ORDER BY [Fi].[Data]
I've even tried to link the table0 with the primary key too, but it makes no difference. Also using outer apply gives the same results. I've been playing around with indexes too on both tables, but without any profit.
Could someone share some thoughts on what I might be doing wrong here?
Try and Minimize the possible number of records that is being Returned on the LEFT JOIN.
You're only ever interested in records from [Table2] with specific @name and @tID, so limit the size of the [Table2] result-set at the join point.
On [Table2] use this index:
Your extra bit of code can turn your query into an INNER JOIN. Which will be faster.
Do you really need the
? If not, then get rid of it.