lein deploy clojars stuck

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I am on windows and attempting to deploy to clojars. I followed the leiningen gpg guide and installed Gpg4win as suggested there; I generated using the default encryption, set passphrase, in short, followed the guide 100%. I have gpg in my path. I am able to follow the guide for generating and publishing my keys. I have copied the public key over to clojars. I have followed the leiningen deployment guide to run lein deploy clojars. However, the project just does this and seems to hang forever:

C:\project\project>lein deploy clojars
No credentials found for clojars (did you mean `lein deploy clojars`?)
See `lein help deploy` for how to configure credentials.
Username: [email protected]
Wrote C:\project\project\pom.xml
Created C:\project\project\target\project-0.1.1.jar

And that's it.


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