Liferay's marketplace-portlet not deployed correctly in version 6.2?

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I have created a hook for Liferay 6.1 without errors and now I am trying to do the same for version 6.1

When I deployed the hook in my bundled version, I got the next logs:

16:02:36,799 INFO  [][HookAutoDeployListener:56] Hook for D:\liferay-portal-6.2.0-ce-ga1\deploy\encrypted-autologin-hook-1.0.war copied successfully. Deployment will start in a few seconds.
16:02:43,155 INFO  [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]][HotDeployEvent:130] Plugin encrypted-autologin-hook requires marketplace-portlet
16:02:43,156 INFO  [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]][HookHotDeployListener:944] Hook for encrypted-autologin-hook was unregistered
16:02:43,157 INFO  [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]][PluginPackageUtil:1016] Reading plugin package for encrypted-autologin-hook
16:02:44,285 INFO  [localhost-startStop-4][HotDeployEvent:130] Plugin encrypted-autologin-hook requires marketplace-portlet
16:02:44,286 INFO  [localhost-startStop-4][HotDeployImpl:195] Deploying encrypted-autologin-hook from queue
16:02:44,287 INFO  [localhost-startStop-4][PluginPackageUtil:1016] Reading plugin package for encrypted-autologin-hook
16:02:44,490 INFO  [localhost-startStop-4][HookHotDeployListener:687] Registering hook for encrypted-autologin-hook
16:02:44,494 INFO  [localhost-startStop-4][HookHotDeployListener:814] Hook for encrypted-autologin-hook is available for use.

As we can see, the message: Plugin encrypted-autologin-hook requires marketplace-portlet appears. The documentation explains that it means we need to install the marketplace-portlet (that already is installed).

I have followed the documentation steps, I have downloaded the Plugin SDK (same version of my Liferay), I have compiled it and I have obtained a WAR file. I have also followed same steps for 'portal-compat-hook' only to be sure. And finally I have installed both war packages.

But, when I redeploy my hook, same logs lines appear. There is any known issue in the marketplace-portlet?

Seems that my hook is not working (no actions observed) and it is also not logging nothing, in spite of following the Liferay logging guide. Then I assume that the hook is not executed and the only error shown is the lack of the marketplace-portlet. Then why this error appear despite of this portlet already is installed in the bundle and even also if you install it again?


There are 1 best solutions below


@Mark was correct. This message can be safely ignored. The error was elsewhere. Now it is working correctly (and the message is still shown).