Limit of RPCs per service

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I am currently working on a client-server application using gRPC and Google Protocol Buffers. The client is meant to run on a Windows 10 PC and the server on an Linux ARM32 machine.

After implementing a service with 10 RPCs on the server-side, I encountered an issue regarding the RPCs limit per service. It seems like the maximum amount which I can add inside the service is 8. If I add more than 8, the server from the target machine will crash with a Segmentation Fault (core dumped).

I tried to reproduce the exact same issue on the hello world example from gRPC by adding multiple RPCs on top of what it was already implemented so I can exclude the possibility of crashing because of other API I'm working with on the application. But the segmentation fault occurs in this case too.

Does anyone know if there's a limitation about the number of RPCs per service?


  • gRPC version: 1.31.1 (on Ubuntu 16.04)
  • protoc version: 3.12.2 (on Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Client side: Python 3.7.4, grpcio 1.31.0, grpcio-tools 1.31.0
  • Server side: C++, compiled with gcc 6.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 for Linux ARM32


UPDATE: I continued the investigations and I tried to run the example on a VM with Ubuntu 20.04 and gRPC 1.30.1. There was no segmentation fault, it worked, so it confirmed that there's no limit for RPCs/service. It is probably an issue with the cross-compiled gRPC or with the version itself, I will continue to investigate and update this post.


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