Linq.Dynamic FirstOrDefault() nested in OrderBy

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I have the following Linq statement, which works totally fine:

query = query.OrderBy(m => m.MATERIAL_TXT.Where(mt => mt.LANG == "EN").FirstOrDefault().LTEXT);

Now I'm trying to make it dynamic by using the string based syntax from Linq.Dynamic:

query = query.OrderBy("MATERIAL_TXT.Where(LANG==\"EN\").FirstOrDefault().LTEXT");

But it throws the exception :

"No applicable aggregate method 'FirstOrDefault' exists"

It has to bedynamic so that it accepts other names instead of "MATERIAL_TXT".

What am I missing?


There are 2 best solutions below


According to the documentation:

A subset of the Standard Query Operators is supported for objects that implement IEnumerable. Specifically, the following constructs are permitted, where seq is an IEnumerable instance, predicate is a boolean expression, and selector is an expression of any type:

  • seq.Where(predicate)
  • seq.Any()
  • seq.Any(predicate)
  • seq.All(predicate)
  • seq.Count()
  • seq.Count(predicate)
  • seq.Min(selector)
  • seq.Max(selector)
  • seq.Sum(selector)
  • seq.Average(selector)

FirstOrDefault isn't on the list, so it's reasonably safe to assume it isn't supported.


You can't use FirstOrDefault as string like that.

if you want to create dynamic orderBy try this :

Func<IQueryable<YourEntityType>, IOrderedQueryable<YourEntityType>> orderBy;

   orderBy = x => x.OrderBy(m => m.MATERIAL_TXT.Where(mt => mt.LANG == "EN").FirstOrDefault().LTEXT);

Then you can use it like this :


for example you can use it in another method :

public List<YourEntityType> YourMethodName(Func<IQueryable<YourEntityType>, IOrderedQueryable<YourEntityType>> orderBy,IQueryable<YourEntityType> query=null)
     query=query ?? GetYourEntityTypeList().AsQueryable();
     return orderBy(query).ToList();

I Hope it will be useful .