Listing All Countries With Codes and Calling Codes using libPhoneNumber on iOS

942 Views Asked by At

I came across this Stackoverflow Thread about listing countries and it's calling codes using libPhoneNumber library

The solution is this

Use the getSupportedRegions() method, then iterate these regions calling getCountryCodeForRegion().

However, the accepted solution does not apply on the iOS version of libPhoneNumber. getSupportedRegions() is not available on the iOS version

Any idea to do this in iOS using libPhoneNumber?


There are 2 best solutions below


You can create your own class with a method which returns a NSSet or NSDictionary of Country Code and Country String.

Country codes can be found on wikipedia.


solution is :

import libPhoneNumber_iOS

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let phoneUtil = NBPhoneNumberUtil()
    let regions = phoneUtil.getSupportedRegions()