Lit-Elements external js file as storage changed by a property data binding

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i try to use in lit-elements a external js file for init values but if i do so, it isnt changebel anymore via property binding. if i write it without the extanal storage file just use this. scope and declare it in the constructor, everything works fine. But as an external file not ... ?:/

but why?

i have two files menu.js:

import { LitElement, html } from '@polymer/lit-element';
import '@polymer/iron-pages/iron-pages.js';
import './main.js'
import { store } from './store'

class MenuElement extends LitElement {

  constructor() {
    super() = 0;
    this.ninjas = ['Ninja1', 'Ninja2', 'Ninja3']
  static get properties() {
    return {
      page: {
        type: Number
      header: String,
      ninjas: Array,
      store: {
        type: Object,
        page: {
          type: Number

  render() {
    return html`
        /* :host {
          border: solid 10px blue;
        } */
        ::slotted(h3) {
          border: solid 1px red
          <li @click="${ (e) => { this.changePage2(e) } }">Home</li>
          <li @click="${ (e) => { this.changePage(e) } }">Page</li>
          ${ => html`<li>${i}</li>`)}

      <iron-pages selected="${ }">
        <slot name="lala"></slot>
        <div><slot name="testSlot"></slot> Page 0</div>


  changePage() { = 1;
  changePage2() { = 0;
  log() {
customElements.define('app-menu', MenuElement);

and b store.js

export let store = {
  page: 1

thank You for any ideas =)


There are 1 best solutions below


To quote dracco

Actually it's not about JS, every objective language can have a collection structure, but modifying the collection does not modify the object. Comparing in JS means comparing references (it would be impossible to make a universal and fast content comparison), so pushing things to an array keeps the reference the same (as it is still the same instance of an Array class) - just the contents change. Similarly in class Person { constructor() { this.isBanned = false; } }, if you create a new instance (const p = new Person();) and then modify the property (p.isBanned = true;), it is still the same instance it was before, just the property differs.

You can read the full story at

In the object reference for the external store never changes and therefore no render is triggered.

What you can do

Trigger it manually

with something like this

changePage() { = 1;

Use a state library

For example

they, of course, all come with their own set of rules and know how.