Live graphing multiple channels of data, platform / framework selection

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What framework / library / platform would you suggest for creating a Linux, preferably multiplatform, application displaying eight oscilloscope like graphs, updating in realtime? I'm imagining a view of the eight channels scrolling steadily to the left, with the newest data coming in on the right.

The data source is a microcontroller device I'm developing right now, which AD converts the 8 channels and blasts all measurements to the PC by an USB virtual com port, I'm thinking in the order of 100 samples/sec. I can brew my own protocol for this data transfer, but again, is there some standard out there I should use to get compatibility and not reinvent the wheel?

(this is a hobby project for monitoring whats going on in my car's non-OBD motorcontroller)

Thanks, Lars


There are 1 best solutions below


I have used the JFreeChart package in a couple of projects. It is a very powerful and flexible tool and is free and open source.