Log Parser c# error using STRCAT with CASE

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I'm having trouble with the log parser, punctually on the use of the function STRCAT parameter with CASE, using log parser the query works perfectly and using a simple STRCAT without CASE the query works even using c#, the problem starts when i use CASE. Am I missing something?

Here's the error: CLogQueryClass: Error 8007064f: Execute: error parsing query: Syntax Error: : cannot find closing parenthesys for function STRCAT [ SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported. ]

string query = "SELECT " + " STRCAT('" + entry.Name +"'";
                query += @", CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/')
                            WHEN 'NULL' THEN 'DEFAULTAPPPOOL'
                            ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-stem,1,'/')
                query += ") AS APPPOOL";
                query += ", '" + Environment.MachineName + "' as server";
                query += ", '" + entry.Name + "' as site";
                query += ", cs-uri-stem as csUriStem";
                query += ", c-ip as cIp, sc-status as scStatus";
                query += ", sc-bytes as scBytes";
                query += ", cs-bytes as csBytes";
                query += ", time-taken as timeTaken";
                query += " FROM " + logAddress + "\\" + yesterdayLogName;
                // Initialize a LogQuery object
                logQuery = new LogQueryClass();
                logRecordSet = logQuery.Execute(query,new COMIISW3CInputContextClass());

                //SHOWS RESULT
                for (; !logRecordSet.atEnd(); logRecordSet.moveNext())
                    logrecord = logRecordSet.getRecord();
                    int i = 0;
                    while (i < 9)



There are 1 best solutions below


First, it looks like you are mixing types. The CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/') WHEN 'NULL' compares an integer to string. This should be:

CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/') 
   ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-stem,1,'/')

The error complains about finding the close parenthesis, but I've found that parsing errors can result in misleading error messages with LogParser.

Second, I've tested the following in C# targeted at .NET 3.5 (4.0 had an issue with embedded type. Similar to this...):

string logAddress = "C:\\Path\\to\\consolidatedFile";
string entryName = "blah";
string yesterdayLogName = "fileName.log";

string query = "SELECT " + " STRCAT('" + entryName + "'"
                + ", CASE INDEX_OF(SUBSTR(cs-uri-stem,1), '/') "
                    + "WHEN NULL THEN 'DEFAULTAPPPOOL' "
                    + "ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-stem,1,'/') "
                + "END"
             + ") AS APPPOOL"
             + ", '" + Environment.MachineName + "' as server"
             + ", '" + entryName + "' as site"
             + ", cs-uri-stem as csUriStem"
             + ", c-ip as cIp, sc-status as scStatus"
             + ", sc-bytes as scBytes"
             + ", cs-bytes as csBytes"
             + ", time-taken as timeTaken"
             + " FROM " + logAddress + "\\" + yesterdayLogName;

// Initialize a LogQuery object
COMW3CInputContextClassClass ctx = new COMW3CInputContextClassClass();
//LogQueryClass logQuery = new LogQueryClass();
LogQueryClass logQuery = new LogQueryClassClass();
//ILogRecordset logRecordSet = logQuery.Execute(query, new COMIISW3CInputContextClass());
ILogRecordset logRecordSet = logQuery.Execute(query, ctx);

for (; !logRecordSet.atEnd(); logRecordSet.moveNext())
    ILogRecord logrecord = logRecordSet.getRecord();
    int i = 0;
    while (i < 9)

This ran successfully and return results. I commented out the lines initially presented since when I used them nothing returned on the console. That might be a difference of the code not presented. Finally, I substituted a string entryName for the entry.Name object assuming that it returns a string.

I hope this helps.