Looking for Wii compatible Javascript Flash mp3 player

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I am looking for a flash mp3 player that will work within the Opera-based browser on the Wii. The player needs to be javascript enabled (support methods like play, stop etc.) The mp3 tracklist will be built dynamically using ajax on the same page as the player so it must trigger an event when a track finishes playing (or at least provide functionality of some kind to indicate that it's time to start the next track). Does anyone know of such a player?

I have looked at these players:

  • jPlayer: Does not work on the Wii.
  • flash mp3 player: All versions of this player work on the Wii except the js (javascipt) version.
  • 1Pixelout: Works on the Wii, but doesn't support javascript. Or if it does, I can't find any documentation on it

Edit: Any solution which is dependent upon Flash's ExternalInterface will not work in Flash Lite, the version of Flash used by the Wii


There are 3 best solutions below


You can't have a JavaScript-enabled player without ExternalInterface. The audio code has to be all in the flash file.


I'm on the same quest. I think I may have found the answer, or close enough: Xspf Jukebox. It has a Javascript API and there's even a Wii skin. I haven't actually got it working yet, I'll update when I do.

Update: I was able to get this working with a few sample mp3s included in my website. I haven't got Javascript control working on the Wii (Opera) but it does work in IE. I did struggle a bit to get the skin working -- you have to download the skin.xml file, set the skin_url parameter to the path containing the skin, and set the dimensions appropriately. My current code is:

    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="600" height="400" id="flashObject" align="middle">
        <param name="movie" value="xspf_jukebox.swf?playlist_url=playlist.xml&skin_url=Wii/" />
        <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

I'm running this as an ASP.NET site on Windows Home Server. I primarily listen to complete albums and my library (60,000+ tracks) is organized by album artist\album\track, so I'm thinking of writing code to traverse the file system and generate a playlist dynamically from the contents of a folder.


Soundmanager2 should probably work, you might have to set flashVersion = 8 in the setup, apparently that's what version of flash Wii/Opera is using.

oh and if not that whatever is inside WiiTransfer works, because I can stream music to my tellybox from my macbook