Mahotas imread Cannot Determine Type of File

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Hi I'm trying to use Mahotas to read an image. I'm getting an error saying "ValueError: mahotas.freeimage: cannot determine type of file picture.jpeg". I've tried several images and filetypes including bmp and png.

import mahotas
picture = mahotas.imread('picture.jpeg') #line throws error

This question was also asked here by someone following the same tutorial as me, but without reaching a solution.

  1. I'm running on Mac OSx 10.9.4
  2. I'm using Canopy 1.4.1
  3. I installed FreeImage 3.16.0 using Homebrew

Calling $ brew doctorreturns the following warnings if those are of any help:

Warning: Enthought Python was found in your PATH.
This can cause build problems, as this software installs its own
copies of iconv and libxml2 into directories that are picked up by
other build systems.

Warning: Python is installed at /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework

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