MailboxProcessor and exceptions

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I wonder, why MailboxProcessor's default strategy of handling exceptions is just silently ignore them. For example:

let counter =
    MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
        let rec loop() =
            async { printfn "waiting for data..."
                    let! data = inbox.Receive()
                    failwith "fail" // simulate throwing of an exception
                    printfn "Got: %d" data
                    return! loop()
        loop ())
Async.Sleep 1000 |> Async.RunSynchronously

and nothing happens. There is no fatal stop of the program execution, or message box with "An unhandled exception" arises. Nothing.

This situation becomes worse if someone uses PostAndReply method: a guaranteed deadlock as the result.

Any reasons for such behavior?


There are 2 best solutions below


I think the reason why the MailboxProcessor in F# does not contain any mechanism for handling exceptions is that it is not clear what is the best way for doing that. For example, you may want to have a global event that is triggered when an unhandled exception happens, but you may want to rethrow the exception on the next call to Post or PostAndReply.

Both of the options can be implemented based on the standard MailboxProcessor, so it is possible to add the behaviour you want. For example, the following snippet shows HandlingMailbox that adds a global exception handler. It has the same interface as normal MailboxProcessor (I omitted some methods), but it adds OnError event that is triggered when an exception happens:

type HandlingMailbox<'T> private(f:HandlingMailbox<'T> -> Async<unit>) as self =
  let event = Event<_>()
  let inbox = new MailboxProcessor<_>(fun inbox -> async {
      return! f self
    with e ->
      event.Trigger(e) })
  member x.OnError = event.Publish
  member x.Start() = inbox.Start()
  member x.Receive() = inbox.Receive()
  member x.Post(v:'T) = inbox.Post(v)
  static member Start(f) =
    let mbox = new HandlingMailbox<_>(f)

To use it, you would write the same code as what you wrote before, but you can now handle exceptions asynchronously:

let counter = HandlingMailbox<_>.Start(fun inbox -> async {
  while true do 
    printfn "waiting for data..." 
    let! data = inbox.Receive() 
    failwith "fail" })

counter.OnError.Add(printfn "Exception: %A")

There is an Error event on the MailboxProcessor.

counter.Error.Add(fun e -> printfn "%A" e)

Of course, you can do something like Tomas' solution if you want to exert fine control yourself.