Make all key pressed event to ctrlKey:true on xtermjs

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I check all key press by using:

term.onKey(function (e) {

Currently, every I pressed any key will ctrlKey value will depend on I pressed or not. example:

domEvent: KeyboardEvent
    altKey: false
    bubbles: true
    cancelBubble: false
    cancelable: true
    charCode: 0
    code: "KeyV"
    composed: true
    ctrlKey: false
    currentTarget: null
    defaultPrevented: true
    detail: 0
    eventPhase: 0
    isComposing: false
    isTrusted: true
    key: "v"

Any way to make any key pressed will be changed to ctrlKey:true ? I want to create control button helper for mobile user. so when helper active alway turn on controll.

I tried to change directly using e.domEvent.ctrlKey=true but not working


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