Make step definition dynamic to handle any incoming text

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I have to run test1.feature file against two urls. In one of the url I have got a field named as EIN, but in second url the same field named as ABN How can we make the step definition dynamic to handle any text coming in second string.

Url 1 :

The Field is named as "EIN"

Url 2:

The Field is named as "ABN"


And I type "11 234 234 444" in "ABN" field


//Type text value in textbox input field

Then('I type {string} in {string} field', (textval, textboxname) => {
  switch (textboxname) {
    case "Email":
    case "Work Phone":
    case "ABN":
    case "EIN":
    case "ACN":
        .type(textval, { force: true });
    //final else condition
        .type(textval, { force: true });


There are 1 best solutions below


First of all a great tip: Make use of page objects (POM design pattern). A page objects is an object (inside a third .js file besides your features and stepdifinitions) that you import in the stepdefinitions file that contains all of your selector code (cy.get(......)). You don't want selector code in your stepdefinitions. Makes it messy and more difficult to read.

Concerning your problem: If you want to repeat the same logic for (all kinds of) input values. Why not write your logic just ones (so without the long case statement) and use Scenario Outline to repeat your step for the different inputs? If your logic must be different every time, than don't even bother fixing this problem. Then you should simply write different steps for different logic..

Here is an example of scenario outline (inside a .feature):

Scenario Outline: Scenario Outline name  
    Given I type "<textval>" in "<textboxname>" field
      | textval            | textboxname |
      | some_value         | ABN         |
      | some_other_value   | EIN         |
      | some_other_value_2 | email       |
      | some_other_value_3 | ACN         |
      | some_other_value_4 | Work Phone  |

Conclusion: Use Scenario Outline to repeat logic. If logic needs to be different for different inputs, then write another stepdefinition and don't try to combine and clip different logics into 1 step.