Make turtles stop after crossing 5 patches in Netlogo?

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There are a certain number of turtles distributed on the lower part of the grid. Some of the turtles are “parents”, they hatch 1 offspring with each go procedure. Additionally, the turtles move around with each go procedure. Is there any way that I can make the turtles stop after crossing 5 patches and then change color, thus it is easy to see which turtles stopped moving?

breed [birds bird];my turtles

birds-own [

to setup
  ask patches [set pcolor green]
  create-birds 100 [
    set color blue
    set size 2
    move-to one-of patches with [pycor < 50 ] ;100 x 100, wrapped,origin in the left bottom corner 
    set heading random 360
    set parents? false
  ask n-of 25 birds [set parents? true]

to go

to give-birth
  ask birds with [parents? = true][
    hatch 1 

to fly-around
  ask birds [
    fd 2 display

to stop-flying
  ask birds-on patches with [pycor > 70][  
;instead of pycor as a condition, I want them do stop and change color after crossing 5 patches.
    set color red

Maybe it can be done via ticks, but since there are new turtles hatching with each tick, the turtles do not all have the same number of ticks (some are younger than others).


There are 1 best solutions below


Sure, the idea would be to let each bird use a counter to check how many times it changed patch. Everytime a bird moves, it will check if the patch it is on is different from the previous one; if that's true, the counter will be incremented by 1; when the counter reaches 5, the bird stops.

Given that your birds move by a distance greater than 1 (currently by 2, in your code), in order to use the counter as above I suggest to make them move one step at a time and check the patch after every step. You can do this by using repeat 2 [fd 1 ...] instead of using fd 2.

You can implement this as follows:

birds-own [

to setup
  create-birds 100 [
    set last-patch [patch-here]
    set stopped? FALSE

to fly-around
  repeat 2 [
    if (not stopped?) [
      fd 1
      if (patch-here != last-patch) [
        set counter counter + 1
        if (counter = 5) [
          set stopped? TRUE
          set color red

There is some room to make this code more efficient (for example: as of now each bird will check twice if (not stopped?), given that that's inside the repeat 2 [ ... ] command block, even if it already has stopped? = TRUE), but that's pretty much the logic.

A note:

  • set heading random 360 is redundant in setup, as that's the default behaviour when turtles are created through create-turtles. However you might want to use it in hatch, as hatched turtles will inherit the parent's heading. That depends on your intentions.