Manually delete workflows from YouTrack server

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For whatever range of poor reasons...a user schedule workflow has been uploaded to our YouTrack server instance that now automatically generates seemingly hundreds of new issues a minute.

As you might imagine, the web server is totally unresponsive, meaning that we cannot disable or detach the workflow from the project. The workflow editor's attempts to remove the workflow fail with connection timeouts.

How can the workflow be disabled without accessing the usual admin pages? Is there a workflow file somewhere in the server's directory that can be deleted (I can't find one) while the service is stopped? Is there a "run in safe-mode" option for YouTrack?

We're running YouTrack 5 fwiw.

Thanks in advance.


There are 2 best solutions below


In YouTrack 6.0 we've implemented special Java start parameter (-Djetbrains.youtrack.workflow.detachModified=true), it will work starting from next bug fix release. This option will detach all the workflows from all the projects on start, except the unmodified supplied ones. Please, consider, the Fix version of this issue will be changes as soon as we release next bug fix.


Workflows are stored inside YT db, so the best variant for you is to contact YT support. It'll be able to modify the db.