ManualResetEvent not working; Thread

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I have a client which creates a thread.

That thread has a WaitOne() so while it is stuck there my client does not die. But when I want to shut down my client, I need to do a Set() on that manual reset event.

I declare the manual reset event in the main class:

public ManualResetEvent mreIn = new ManualResetEvent(false);

This is my Connect function which creates the thread with the start function:

    public void Connect()
        objClientThread = new Thread(start) { IsBackground = true };

    /// <summary>
    /// Starts the client program.
    /// </summary>
    private void start()
            //We Open the proxy to let connections happen
            if (performHandshake())
                IsConnected = true;
                DelayedShutdownBool = false;
                //While connected, the thread keeps the client alive
                if (OnShutdownInitiated != null)
                    OnShutdownInitiated(this, new EventArgs());
                objConfiguration = null;
                IsConnected = false;

And I have a callback which does the Set():

    Boolean IServiceCallbackContract.Shutdown()
        return true;

So the way this works is... all modules are initialized and blocked on the WaitOne() When I shutdown a module, the callback does the Set() but the WaitOne() is not unlocked and the thread does not continue. What am I missing?


There are 3 best solutions below


The problem was that when I create the service client, I had to pass the instace context of the callbacks, and I was doing a new so I wasn't putting the current instance context and the callback was being done to other instance, so every change in values or event that I was doing was not reflected in the current intance. Thanks @HenkHolterman for the help :)


Looks like you are using ManualResetEvent the right way. But, your thread is background. If all other non-background threads exit, then your thread would be aborted in a random place, and code after mreIn.WaitOne() may not execute.

If that is the case, then making your therad non-background would fix the issue.


please attention this example:

class ThreadManager : IThreadManager
    private System.Threading.ManualResetEvent _Mre;
    private static CancellationTokenSource _CancellationToken;
    private int _ThreadCount;

    public ThreadManager(int threadCount)
        _Mre = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent(true);
        _CancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
        _ThreadCount = threadCount;

    public void DoWork(Action action)
        Task.Factory.StartNew(action, _CancellationToken.Token);

    public void Stop()

    public void Resume()

    public void Waite()