Map Inset in R, viewport

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I am trying to add inset of my polygon into a map.

Page 11 of this pdf ( shows what im trying to get. Unfortunately I am new in R and can`t understand how it works even with this example... In my case it shows up this error: Error in f(...) : could not find function "viewport" which I dont understand. My code

swd <- read.csv2("C:/MapyR/rozmieszczenieswd/swdwsp.csv",header= TRUE, sep = ";", encoding = "unknow") 
swd$Lat <- as.numeric((strtrim(swd$Lat,8)))
swd$Long <- as.numeric((strtrim(swd$Long,8)))

polska <- get_map(


olsztyn <- subset(swd, Lat>=53.72 & Lat<= 53.84 & Long>=20.40 & Long<=20.55,select = rodzaj:Long)

mapa <- ggmap(polska, extent = "device", legend ="bottomright") 
  punkty <-  stat_density_2d( aes(x=Long,y=Lat,fill= ..level..,alpha=..level..)
                                 ,geom = "polygon"

nowa <- mapa +   inset(
     grob = ggplotGrob(ggplot()+punkty + theme_inset()),
    xmin = 20.50, xmax = 20.55, ymin = 53.72, ymax = 53.76 #I tryed many versions of x,y 

sciezka <- file.path("C:","MapyR","proby density",paste("inset",".png"), sep="")
png(file=sciezka, width = 2500 , height=1567)

This is how far I can get with my code, Still I cant add this inset:


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