MatBlazor select issue

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my code should be like this, but it's getting null reference exception

 <MatSelect Label="Atık Tipi" @bind-Value="@SecilenAtikGrubu.GrupId" Style="width:100%">
      @foreach (var item in TumAtikTipleri)
        <MatOption Value="@item.Id">@item.Deger1</MatOption>

but when i use like this, it is working

  <select class="mdc-select__native-control" @bind="SecilenAtikGrubu.GrupId">
     @foreach (var item in TumAtikTipleri)
         <option value="@item.Id">@item.Deger1</option>

Binding value class is like below (SecilenAtikGrubu and TumAtikTipleri)

 public class GrupKodlari : KayitBilgisi
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Tur { get; set; }
    public string Isim { get; set; }
    public string Deger1 { get; set; }
    public string Deger2 { get; set; }
    public string Deger3 { get; set; }
    public int? GrupId { get; set; } 
    public virtual GrupKodlari Grup { get; set; }


There are 3 best solutions below


The bad news are that, I have checked it and, MatSelect is unable to be binded to a nullable type.

Now the good news, first one, you can use an auxiliary property as a workaround, Try it at blazorfiddle.

public int GrupIdAux
        GrupId = (value==0?(int?)null:value);
    get {
        return (GrupId==null?0:GrupId.Value);

just a sample of the mat select

Second good new: MatBlazor is an opensource project. If you need to work with nullable types you can improve MatSelect control and send a PR. The project owner is open to contributions (for example I wrote NumericUpDown) If you can't improve component, you can pay someone to write it for you or you can post a request for the new feature on project issues. It looks like good idea, would be wonderful to bind nullable objects.


@daniherrera You can bind MatSelect to a nullable type. However you have to specify that you accept a nullable type with ?. Example:

<MatSelect Label="Pick a Food Group" @bind-Value="@guidValue">
    <MatOption TValue="Guid?" Value="@(null)"></MatOption>
    <MatOption TValue="Guid?" Value="@(new Guid("20A82054-F493-4C7B-81A4-4F9A1EDD7C2E"))">Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta</MatOption>
    <MatOption TValue="Guid?" Value="@(new Guid("4451642D-24F7-418F-8741-BA5089A1CC65"))">Vegetables</MatOption>
    <MatOption TValue="Guid?" Value="@(new Guid("5717DBBE-C205-4E33-9E07-892A51F64021"))">Fruit</MatOption>


    Guid? guidValue = new Guid("20A82054-F493-4C7B-81A4-4F9A1EDD7C2E");

Use int? Id and mark your MatOption with TValue="int?".


My way to solve it is:

<MudSelect T="Genre?" Label="Genre Primary" @bind-Value="model.MainGenrePrimary" Variant="Variant.Outlined">
<MudSelectItem T="Genre?"></MudSelectItem>
@foreach (Genre item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Genre)))
   <MudSelectItem T="Genre?" Value="@item">@item</MudSelectItem>