Messaging queue application

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I´m told to develop a message queue like MSMQ for some apps, but it has to be written in Java so it's able to work on a Linux server. A co-worker tested openmq via glassfish but it's very slow, even having both apps on the same computer. It would delay each message for 1 second on a slow computer and .8 on a fast one, ive read his code and everything seems fine, delays seem to be caused by openmq glassfish functions(not his code).

Ive read a bunch of things that are related to the subject but i can´t find a library or something(ive seen zeromq,openmq and i dont know if they would suit because they seem to be oriented for managing and not providing the service). The only one i think suits my needs is MSMQ and i am not able to use it for the reasons i gave before.

In a couple of months it would be used to communicate at least 200 live applications

The main reason of this question is to try get a suggestion of what should i use or if someone had used openmq with glassfish and works cool and i should re ckeck that code to look for issues.


There are 1 best solutions below


Have you tried ActiveMQ? Easy to set up and use and can handle a hell of lot of messages. We always use it with Spring's JMS templates for pain free messaging.